A.M. Sabuncu wrote:
When I use "Go to definition" or "Go to declaration" for a member
of an MFC class (for example, CWinApp's AddDocTemplate), Intellisense
me to the entry in the header file. I can never get to the actual code,
which is in a cpp file under the atlmfc source tree. I tried deleting
ncb file and regenerating the intellisense database, and have also
that the MFC source directories are listed under Tools/Options.
Any ideas/tricks/work-arounds?
Thank you in advance,
I've actually never gotten that to work on MFC source just from the
built-in IntelliSense. Has anyone?
I have been using Visual Assist from Whole Tomato for so long, I sometimes
forget how much it does for me that the IDE doesn't. Over the years, the
IDE has been very slowly and steadily improving. But it still hasn't
caught up with where VA was years ago. I've suggested that Microsoft
should just buy the Whole Tomato company (or at least buy the rights to
their product). I think they idea has been pondered, but so far, it
hasn't borne fruit (pun intended).
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Mine works.