Re: GetParent() from a modal dialog in a MFC SDI application

"Tom Serface" <>
Tue, 12 Jun 2007 06:52:40 -0700
Hi Arman,

This would be, of course, the more normal way to do things. I though OP was
trying to pass the data back to the parent during the life of the dialog.
However, you're right, you're illustration is how we would do this sort of
thing more often. I was too busy answering the question rather than solving
the problem :o)

If I wanted the parent and the child dialog to exist together I would likely
use a non-modal dialog that communicates with the parent and handles
messages from the parent. Thanks for the post.


"Arman Sahakyan" <> wrote in message

see below..

"Anders Eriksson" wrote:


I have a MFC SDI CFormView application and in the View I create a dialog
that I DoModal(); The dialog is created using the Resource Editor, not

In the OnInitDialog() I use this code to get a pointer to the View that
calling the dialog
CMarkerView *pView = (CMarkerView*)GetParent();

I then use this to change a member variable in the view
pView->m_currMagazine = nMagazine;

No. If the dialog weren't modal but modeless, this kind of thing might
The wrong part is that there is no need to change the view inside a modal
dialog. If you want to, the best thing to do is to let the view get the
variable from dlg and use it [after the modal dlg exits];

CMyDlg dlg;
if (IDOK == dlg.DoModal())
m_currMagazine = dlg.nMagazine;

Somehow this is wrong! using this code will make me crash in
CPlex::FreeDataChain(), See Call Stack below.

What is wrong and how to I get a pointer to the View?

// Anders
English is not my first, or second, language
so anything strange, or insulting, is due to
the translation.
Please correct me so I may improve my English!

mfc80ud.dll!CPlex::FreeDataChain() Line 42 + 0x3 bytes C++

 mfc80ud.dll!CPtrList::RemoveAll() Line 48 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CPtrList::FreeNode(CPtrList::CNode * pNode=0x003bcad0) Line
123 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CPtrList::RemoveAt(__POSITION * position=0x003bcad0) Line
324 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CFrameWnd::RemoveControlBar(CControlBar * pBar=0x01001304)
Line 875 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CControlBar::OnDestroy() Line 586 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int message=2, unsigned int
long lParam=0, long * pResult=0x0012e9f4) Line 2028 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int message=2, unsigned int
wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 1741 + 0x20 bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CControlBar::WindowProc(unsigned int nMsg=2, unsigned int
wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 504 + 0x14 bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * pWnd=0x01001304, HWND__ *
hWnd=0x00011302, unsigned int nMsg=2, unsigned int wParam=0, long
Line 240 + 0x1c bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd=0x00011302, unsigned int nMsg=2,
unsigned int wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 389 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * hWnd=0x00011302, unsigned int
unsigned int wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 407 + 0x15 bytes C++
 [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for
 mfc80ud.dll!CThreadSlotData::GetThreadValue(int nSlot=1471840) Line 265
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::DestroyWindow() Line 993 + 0xd bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CControlBar::DestroyWindow() Line 598 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CFrameWnd::DestroyDockBars() Line 1618 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CFrameWnd::OnDestroy() Line 852 C++
 Marker.exe!CMainFrame::OnDestroy() Line 126 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int message=2, unsigned int
long lParam=0, long * pResult=0x0012eec4) Line 2028 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int message=2, unsigned int
wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 1741 + 0x20 bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * pWnd=0x01001230, HWND__ *
hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int nMsg=2, unsigned int wParam=0, long
Line 240 + 0x1c bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int nMsg=2,
unsigned int wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 389 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int
unsigned int wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 407 + 0x15 bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CThreadSlotData::GetThreadValue(int nSlot=1471840) Line 265
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::DestroyWindow() Line 993 + 0xd bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CDocument::OnCloseDocument() Line 744 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CDocTemplate::CloseAllDocuments(int __formal=0) Line 355
 mfc80ud.dll!CDocManager::CloseAllDocuments(int bEndSession=0) Line 588
 mfc80ud.dll!CWinApp::CloseAllDocuments(int bEndSession=0) Line 90 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CFrameWnd::OnClose() Line 798 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int message=16, unsigned int
wParam=0, long lParam=0, long * pResult=0x0012f2cc) Line 2028 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int message=16, unsigned int
wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 1741 + 0x20 bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * pWnd=0x01001230, HWND__ *
hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int nMsg=16, unsigned int wParam=0, long
lParam=0) Line 240 + 0x1c bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int nMsg=16,
unsigned int wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 389 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int
nMsg=16, unsigned int wParam=0, long lParam=0) Line 407 + 0x15 bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::DefWindowProcW(unsigned int nMsg=274, unsigned int
wParam=61536, long lParam=3408996) Line 1029 + 0x20 bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::Default() Line 274 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::OnSysCommand(unsigned int __formal=61536, unsigned int
__formal=61536) Line 460 + 0xf bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CFrameWnd::OnSysCommand(unsigned int nID=61536, long
lParam=3408996) Line 1042 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int message=274, unsigned int
wParam=61536, long lParam=3408996, long * pResult=0x0012f8cc) Line 2056
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int message=274, unsigned int
wParam=61536, long lParam=3408996) Line 1741 + 0x20 bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * pWnd=0x01001230, HWND__ *
hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int nMsg=274, unsigned int wParam=61536, long
lParam=3408996) Line 240 + 0x1c bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int nMsg=274,
unsigned int wParam=61536, long lParam=3408996) Line 389 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int
nMsg=274, unsigned int wParam=61536, long lParam=3408996) Line 407 +
bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::DefWindowProcW(unsigned int nMsg=161, unsigned int
wParam , long lParam=3408996) Line 1029 + 0x20 bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int message=161, unsigned int
wParam , long lParam=3408996) Line 1742 + 0x1c bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * pWnd=0x01001230, HWND__ *
hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int nMsg=161, unsigned int wParam , long
lParam=3408996) Line 240 + 0x1c bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int nMsg=161,
unsigned int wParam , long lParam=3408996) Line 389 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * hWnd=0x000112b0, unsigned int
nMsg=161, unsigned int wParam , long lParam=3408996) Line 407 + 0x15
bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxInternalPumpMessage() Line 183 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWinThread::PumpMessage() Line 896 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWinThread::Run() Line 625 + 0xd bytes C++
 mfc80ud.dll!CWinApp::Run() Line 889 C++
 mfc80ud.dll!AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ *
hPrevInstance=0x00000000, wchar_t * lpCmdLine=0x00020f94, int nCmdShow=1)
Line 47 + 0xd bytes C++
 Marker.exe!wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ *
hPrevInstance=0x00000000, wchar_t * lpCmdLine=0x00020f94, int nCmdShow=1)
Line 29 C++
 Marker.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 578 + 0x35 bytes C
 Marker.exe!wWinMainCRTStartup() Line 403 C


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