Re: How to limit the number of instances of an application on a server?

"Karsten Schulz" <>
Mon, 9 Jun 2008 13:56:56 +0200
Hi Phil,

u can enumerate al running Processes easy,

greetings and Best Regards
 Karsten Schulz


#include "winperf.h"
#include <tlhelp32.h>

bool CCamViewApp::DoublicateInstance(void)

 PFN_CREATETHELP32SNPSHT fnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot;
 PFN_PROCESS32NEXT fnProcess32Next;
 PFN_PROCESS32FIRST fnProcess32First;

 HMODULE hWin95Kernel=GetModuleHandle(_T("kernel32.dll"));
 if(!hWin95Kernel) return false;

 if(!(fnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot=(PFN_CREATETHELP32SNPSHT)GetProcAddress(hWin95Kernel,"CreateToolhelp32Snapshot")) ) return false; if(!(fnProcess32First=(PFN_PROCESS32FIRST)GetProcAddress(hWin95Kernel,"Process32First")) ) return false; if(!(fnProcess32Next=(PFN_PROCESS32NEXT)GetProcAddress(hWin95Kernel,"Process32Next")) ) return false; PROCESSENTRY32 process;process.dwSize=sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); HANDLE handle = fnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0); if(!handle) return false; LPCSTR pAppName=AfxGetApp()->m_pszAppName; int n=0; fnProcess32First(handle,&process); do { if(!strncmp(process.szExeFile,pAppName,strlen(pAppName))) if(++n > 1) return true; }while(fnProcess32Next(handle,&process)); return false;}--"Phil" <> schrieb im> Hello all,> I want to know (and to limit) the number of instances of my> application on a server such as Microsoft Server 2003 or 2008. I know> how to look for multiple instances of an app using Joe's code ("How to> avoid multiple instances..> I've implemented Joe's code and tested it the following way :> Using Vista, I log in as user A and start my application. Then,> without closing user A session, I log in as user B and start the same> application. I had hoped that the mutex created when running the 1st> instance of the app as user A would have been shared across all users,> and that - as user B - I would detect that another user is already> running the app. Well, that's not the case. User B ignores another> user has started the app.> How can I solve the problem as given in the title?> Thanks> Phil

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