Re: Why does AfxGetMainWnd returns nulls?

Ajay <>
Fri, 29 May 2009 06:14:41 -0700 (PDT)
If you call this in a MFC regular DLL, you will get NULL for
AfxGetMainWnd. Are you using a Regular DLL or an MFC Extension DLL? It
would appear that you are using a Regular DLL? If yes, any reason to
do that?

You can use macro AFX_MANAGE_STATE (w/getappmodule) to make it work
the way you want it.


On May 29, 7:25 am, MegK123 <> wrote:

Hello all

I am new to MFC. I have a MFC shared dll, which will be intregarted into
another application. To give details abt the dll, it creates an widget
(having grid format). When I call this MFC dll from the exe, it will gene=


an object for me. Now prior to creating the object, I have a window that =


asking few info (like name,type,etc). I want to retrieve the handle to th=


window. I have the create button on this window, within whose code I do t=



IINT32 testClass::onCreate(...)
        typedef long int jint;
        CWnd* pWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
        jint hndl = (jint)pWnd->GetSafeHwnd();


But, I always receieve an null from AfxGetMainWnd(). and 0 from get
safehwnd(). I do not know exactly how to associate the CWnd to my class

Any help ?

Thanks in advance

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