Re: build intermediate etc files

"Alexander Nickolov" <>
Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:37:28 -0700
Why, that's your project file. VC6 used the .dsp extension
for projects.

Alexander Nickolov
Microsoft MVP [VC], MCSD

"marco Starglider" <> wrote in message

and a description of .vcproj ?


"Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]" <>
schreef in bericht news:eZm4YAs4HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

marco Starglider wrote:

when you build a solution in vstudio many (intermediate etc)
files are generated.
ofcourse there is a difference between vs6 for instance
and vs2005.

i'd like to know all the files generated by vs2005, and those
generated by vs6, and the functional diffferences.

There's really not much difference, other than the .suo file used by VS
2002 and later (but not by VC6).

.obj - compiled code/data
.res - compiled resource file - basically an .obj but with resources
instead of code/data
.lib - several .objs in one file (they're almost just concatenated
together to make the .lib file)
.exe - launchable executable image
.dll - loadable executable image
.exp - exports file - contains symbols exported by a dll (can be used
like an .obj - included in a library or linked with other .objs to
produce a .dll or .exe).
.pdb - program database - aka debugger symbols
.idb - intermediate database - debug symbols from the compiler used by
the linker to produce the .pdb
.ilk - intermediate linker file. Used by incremental link
.ncb - "no compile browser" - used by Intellisense
.sbr - 'source browser' file - input to bscmake, produced by the compiler
.bsc - several .sbr files "linked" together - used by various source
browsing tools, but not used by VS itself anymore.
.suo - solution options, used by the VS IDE (not used by the
compiler/linker at all)

There's probably a couple others that I've missed, but that's the bulk of


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