Re: Call EXE from DLL (A crystal User defined DLL)

"David Ching" <>
Wed, 7 Nov 2007 05:08:22 -0800
"AndersG" <> wrote in message


I have the following problem: A database app that uses Crystal Reports
for reporting. Some things cannot be easily realised in Crystal so I
may resort to writing an Crystal Extension DLL. Problem is that this
DLL should be able to call the main app or else do I have to duplicate
code and also sun into the hassle of having two database connections.

The easiest, I suppose, is to loadLibrary on the Crystal DLL from my
app and pass a pointer, but it feels a bit unsafe :) Other options are
to set up some sort of interprocess stuff which seems a bit of an
overkill when all I want to do is to call a couple of functions.


So does the DataBase app load Crystal Reports which loads your Extension
DLL? Is Crystal Reports in the same process as the DataBase app?
Regardless, since Crystal Reports is in between the app and your dll, it
would seem Crystal Reports needs to faciliate your dll's binding to the app,
or else the app and your dll are on their own.

-- David

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