Re: handler for dynamically created button

=?Utf-8?B?YnVseQ==?= <>
Fri, 18 May 2007 05:59:00 -0700
"Scott McPhillips [MVP]" wrote:

buly wrote:

I have created dialogs dynamically through the use of structures DLGTEMPLATE
and DLGITEMTEMPLATE. It is solved by my class CDlgTemplate. On this dialog I
have button with known ID, let's say IDC_BUTTON_EXIT.
In class CDlgTemplate I have method declaration:
afx_msg void OnMyButtonClick();

and these macros

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDlgTemplate, CDialog)

But this solution doesn't work, method OnMyButtonClick is not called when I
click on the button.
Do you have any idea where it can be fault? Or do you know any better

That's the right approach.

Try studying the button and its messages with the Spy++ tool that comes
with VC. It will tell you if the button's parent is the dialog window,
and if it is sending the WM_COMMAND message with BN_CLICKED.

Scott McPhillips [MVP VC++]

Thank you, I searched bug which I had in my code.

And if I want to define buttons event dynamically, how can I do it? E.g. I
have many events methods defined in my project and I have dynamic dialog
which is parsed from xml file. One of parameters there is name of method
which will be called when button will be clicked.
I thought that I will define struct array which will be returned by

I defined:
static AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY _messageEntries[100];

and I filled structure in by
void CEventDialog::addEvent(int itemId, char *method)
    if( m_iEventCount < MAX_EVENT )
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount].nMessage = WM_COMMAND;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount].nCode = (WORD)BN_CLICKED;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount].nID = (WORD) itemId;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount].nLastID = (WORD) itemId;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount].nSig = AfxSigCmd_v;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount].pfn = (static_cast< AFX_PMSG > (method));

        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount+1].nMessage = 0;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount+1].nCode = 0;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount+1].nID = 0;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount+1].nLastID = 0;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount+1].nSig = AfxSig_end;
        _messageEntries[m_iEventCount+1].pfn = (AFX_PMSG)0;


but in line
_messageEntries[m_iEventCount].pfn = (static_cast< AFX_PMSG > (method));
there is error:
error C2440: 'static_cast' : cannot convert from 'char *' to 'AFX_PMSG'

Do you have any idea how to do it?

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