*"Sachin_M" <SachinM@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
Hi Friends,
i want to know about ReportEvent. If I want to add a simple event
Application Log (or System Log) of windows.I'm doing something like
HANDLE hEventLog = RegisterEventSource( NULL, _T("Application") );
hMsgs = 1946048
BOOL iFSuccess = ReportEvent(hEventLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0,
0&, 1, 28, hMsgs, hMsgs)
and after this
DeregisterEventSource( hEventLog );
but its not working.
can somebody tell me what's wrong?
For my application, Message Compiler is not applicable. thats too
vast for
my subject. I just want to log a single event say on exit of app.
thanks & regards,
Sachin M
Hello Sachin:
You can write a wrapper function to use the above api function:
BOOL WriteLog(LPCTSTR lpctStr)
LPCTSTR arrLogEntry[] = { lpctStr }; //writing just one entry
BOOL bRet = ReportEvent(hEventLog, //u know this
(WORD)EntryType, //u know this
wCategory, //u know this can be zero
dwEventID, //u know this
NULL, //using Local user
wNumOfStr, // for this function it 1
dwRawDataSize, // size of the binary data if you want to set last
parameter of ReportEvent
arrLogEntry, //you create this
lpvRawData)) //set any row binary data
return bRet;
BOOL WriteLog(LPCTSTR *arrStr)
BOOL bRet = ReportEvent(hEventLog, //u know this
(WORD)EntryType, //u know this
wCategory, //u know this can be zero
dwEventID, //u know this
NULL, //using Local user
wNumOfStr, // for this function it 1
dwRawDataSize, // size of the binary data if you want to set last
parameter of ReportEvent
arrStr, //you pass the array of strings to this
form of function
lpvRawData)) //set any row binary data
return bRet;
Now in your case you want to write some long number, the it is still
easy. use ltoa(1946048) to convert the long to ASCII
string, and pass that string to the first form of the function.
I hope this will help.
Also, read the EventLog documentation in MSDN, I think I have also
sent you a link from CodeProject.
Good Luck!
Jai Hind. *