Re: function pointer help!

"Ron H." <>
Wed, 14 Nov 2007 11:21:07 -0600
I can't get this function pointer to work! Here's the scoop: I am using a
third party I/O board. The manufacturer supplied a lib and header file with
the following typedef and cbEnableEvent function prototype:

 typedef void (__stdcall *EVENTCALLBACK)(int, unsigned, unsigned, void*);

int EXTCCONV cbEnableEvent(int BoardNum, unsigned EventType, unsigned Count,
     EVENTCALLBACK CallbackFunc, void *UserData);

I created a function to deal with the callback:

//the return void and input prameters are defined in the manual...
void MyProjectView::CallHandler(int,unsigned int, unsigned int, void*)

So my challenge is to call cbEnableEvent with a pointer to CallHandler().

How about this?

pCallHandler = CallHandler;

The compiler complains with:

error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'void (__stdcall
CMyProjectView::* )(int,unsigned int,unsigned int,void *)' to

        There is no context in which this conversion is possible

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

Ron H.

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