Re: Zoom buttons in toolbar

=?Utf-8?B?TGF1cnM=?= <>
Wed, 7 May 2008 07:31:03 -0700
Thanks Scott and foobar.
I have it up and running now. It helped me to write the OnMouseMove in my
ToolBar Class.
I gets the correct command ID, now I only need to find a way to draw the
enlarged bitmap of the button at the tip of mouse cursor.
If you have any code nipped to do that, I will be a happy man.
Laurs Laursen

"foobar" wrote:

Where is your OnMouseMove handler? If it is in your button class then
as I understand, it should get executed
when mouse enters the button region.

To get mouse leave event you would need to handle WM_MOUSELEAVE

WM_MOUSELEAVE message won't be generated by default. We need to track
mouse event for TME_LEAVE so that it gets generated.
OnMouseMove handler can include code similar to following lines to let
button receive MouseLeave event

if (!m_bMouseTracking)
        TRACKMOUSEEVENT mouseevent;
        mouseevent.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT);
        mouseevent.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE;
        mouseevent.hwndTrack = this->m_hWnd;

        if (::_TrackMouseEvent(&mouseevent))
            m_bMouseTracking = TRUE;

and inside OnMouseLeave method handler we set m_bMouseTracking back to
FALSE so that next time mouse enters we
again start tracking mouse event for its leave message.


On May 7, 4:30 pm, Laurs <> wrote:

I allready handle the TTN_NEEDTEXT events, but how do I know when the mouse
is in the region of the button. I have a virtual OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags,
CPoint pnt) but I get no message when the mouse is in a toolbar.

Laurs Laursen

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