Re: EV_RXCHAR event received, but ReadFile sometimes failed to read a byte from serial port

"" <>
Tue, 21 Oct 2008 23:19:18 -0700 (PDT)
Hi, Joe

I am going to try worker threads. but I have to wait for the response
when the request was sent. The procedure is:
Assume I have CMyClass to handle the request/response.

CMyClass: Request()
send request
wait for write done
wait for the response.

It is something like a HTTP request and response.

If I use two worker threads, CWnd will be notified after data written,
then I need CWnd to notify CMyClass again. Is it feasible to use a
event to notify CMyClass. Is there any better solution?

The revised structure will be:

send request via PostThreadMessage;
Wait for written event //the event will be signalled after CWnd got
Wait for read event



What's your proposed solution? thanks

On Oct 20, 12:13 pm, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:

I would strongly suggest using two worker threads for this; I would never=

 attempt this in

the main thread, because it blocks the thread, and can hang the GUI while=

 it is waiting.

With non-overlapped ReadFile, if a ReadFile is pending, a WriteFile issue=

d after the

ReadFile will be forced to wait for the ReadFile to complete. Generall=

y, you cannot use

synchronous I/O for serial ports unless you can only use them in half-dup=

lex mode, which

usually compromises reliability of communication.

Since I would never attempt to use the events to determine if there is so=

mething to read,

I have no experience as to whether or not they work. Since I consider =

the whole approach

incorrect, trying to fix something I would never consider a good solution=

 isn't something

I'd spend any time worrying about. You shouldn't either.


On Sun, 19 Oct 2008 18:59:30 -0700 (PDT), "" <bangzh..=>


Thanks for your proposal. Must I use two worker threads to do this?
Now read and write are in the main thread. I issue the write request
first, then I wait for the response.

I also have tried to not use EV_RXCHAR, use non-overlapped ReadFile
only, but I can't read anything.

The second problem is even if I got a EV_RXCHAR, ClearCommEvent
indicates there is no byte in the queue. Need I get rid of the printf?

On Oct 20, 12:51 am, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:

See below...
On Sun, 19 Oct 2008 04:28:00 -0700 (PDT), "" <bangz=>


Hi, All

I have a machine connected to PC using serial port. PC sends request
to the machine and the machine responds. My code is copied below (mos=


code are from MSDN "serial communication in win32")

When debug the code, I found that EV_RXCHAR is received. but when I
issue the ReadFile, it sometimes (NOT ALWAYS) failed to read a byte,
the read operation time out. Don't know why, please help me.

Essentially, as soon as I see someone talking about events like EV_RXC=

HAR, I know the

design is wrong. Don't waste your time with this. Forget you eve=

r heard of it. It

doesn't solve anything of value.

BOOL ProcessEvent(HANDLE hComm,DWORD dwCommEvent, RESPONSE *response)

One variable per line. Since none of these variables have any meani=

ng, eliminate all of

them, and every piece of code that uses them.
****> OVERLAPPED osReader = {0};

Why do you have an OVERLAPPED structure you don't use?
****> unsigned char chRead;

   BOOL fRes=TRUE;

Why do you declare BOOL variables (prefix 'b') with some meaningless p=

refix ('f', which

means a value full of flag bits)? Use the notation correctly, or no=

t at all. Preferrably,

not at all.
****> DWORD dwRead;

   int i=0;
   BOOL fContinue=TRUE;

BOOL variables use the 'b' prefix, not the 'f' prefix. But no prefi=

x is required because

there is no value in using them

   fCTS = EV_CTS & dwCommEvent;
   fDSR = EV_DSR & dwCommEvent;
   fERR = EV_ERR & dwCommEvent;
   fRING = EV_RING & dwCommEvent;
   fRLSD = EV_RLSD & dwCommEvent;
   fBREAK = EV_BREAK & dwCommEvent;
   fRXCHAR = EV_RXCHAR & dwCommEvent;
   fRXFLAG = EV_RXFLAG & dwCommEvent;
   fTXEMPTY = EV_TXEMPTY & dwCommEvent;

None of these matter, lose all of them. They convey nothing meaning=



   if(fRXCHAR) =

ssue read

Don't do this. Just issue a ReadFile. Done. Nobody cares abou=

t the state of the

****> {

           printf("Char Received\n");

You should not be doing a printf in the middle of trying to read from =

the serial port.

This puts too much delay in what is going on.



Why read only one character? Just read in as many as you have.
****> if(dwRead)

                           printf("one b=

yte: read %02X, response->len=%d\n",chRead, response-







 len=%d\n", response->len);

This is a horrendously complicated way to read characters. Why are =

you only reading one

character at a time? This seems an unnecessary burden. It seems =

to be an amazing waste

of effort. In addition, your criterion for when you decide you need=

 to return is flawed,

because you are doing timeouts, which are never a reliable technique.
****> }


 read more characters, total=%d\n",response->len);



Why did you declare a variable i somewhere at the top? The correct =

code is


t i = 1; i <= response->len; i++)

and notice that the code is more readable if you put spaces around the=

 operators; there is

nothing gained by jamming everything together, unless obscure code is =

a design goal.

Since i does not need to exist until this loop, and is not needed afte=

r it, why give it a

scope that exceeds the loop?

Also, what did you do with the first character you read? You seem t=

o not print it out at

all. You only print out 15 characters on the first line, for some r=

eason. Wouldn't it be

more correct to write
                        for(int i = 0; i < r=

esponse->len; i++)

so you print all the characters out? The correct test for the newli=

ne is

                if(i > 0 && (i % 16== 0)
so creating something totally weird that starts at 1 to prevent an ini=

tial newline and

then accessing [i-1] seems downright silly.


 printf("%02X ",response->response[i-1]);















           return FALSE; //return FALSE to stop Wait=



   return TRUE; //return TRUE to issue another WaitCommEv=



int ReadChar(HANDLE hComm, unsigned char *chRead)
   DWORD dwRead=0;
   BOOL fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
   OVERLAPPED osReader = {0};
   DWORD dwRes;
   DWORD dwRetry=0;
   DWORD dwError;
   COMSTAT commstat;

   printf("calling ReadChar\n");

   osReader.hEvent=CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
           return ERROR_SYSTEM;


Lose this line.
****> printf("there are %d bytes in queue\n",commstat.cbInQue);

The above information is irrelevant

   dwRes=ReadFile(hComm, chRead,1, &dwRead, &osReader); =

         //read one byte

   //printf("ReadFile return %d\n",dwRes);

   if (!dwRes) =

       //ReadFile Error

           if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                   printf("ReadBuffer System Err=


                   printf("ReadChar, IO pending\=


           // read completed immediately
           printf("ReadChar returns immediately, %d byte=

s read\n",dwRead);


This code is unnecessarily complex for solving a simple problem. Th=

e introduction of a

boolean variable (WHY are you using the incorrect prefix 'f' instead o=

f 'b'? Don't use

these prefixes unless you use them correctly! Better still, don't u=

se them at all,

because they convey no useful information and just get in the way of w=

riting good code)

for no particularly useful purpose seems pointless

   while(fWaitingOnRead && (dwRetry<3))

Retry 3 times? There's aready some serious design failures here. =

 Why do you think this

will loop only three times?

//wait only once
           dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(osReader.hEvent=


                   // Read completed.
           case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
                   if (!GetOverlappedResult(hCom=

m, &osReader, &dwRead, FALSE))



read more =BB

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