Re: Nested exception handling

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>
Mon, 01 Oct 2007 23:00:58 -0500
On Mon, 1 Oct 2007 20:30:01 -0700, Andrew
<> wrote:

I am getting an internal compiler error C1001 when I use nested try blocks in
MS C++ 6.0. An example follows. The implementation of the method Change
causes the problem. Is this a compiler bug ? I can't find any syntax error.

#include <stdlib.h>

class ListInteger
        ListInteger(); // simple constructor
        ListInteger(int length); // constructor
        ListInteger(const ListInteger & rhs); // copy constructor (deep)
        ListInteger operator=(const ListInteger & rhs); // assignment (deep
        ~ListInteger(); // destructor
        int GetLength() const;
        int GetInteger(int k) const;
        void SetInteger(int k,int entry);
        static void Change(ListInteger & X);
        static int * intvec(int length);
        static void del_intvec(int * q,int length);
        int * itsInteger; // array of integers indexed from zero
        int itsLength; // length of list

// produces fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR
void ListInteger::Change(ListInteger & L)
       ListInteger save = L;
       catch (...)
               L = save;
           catch (...)
                   L = save;
               catch (...)
       save = L;
        catch (...)
                  L = save;
             catch (...)
                  catch (...)
      catch (...)

VC 2005 doesn't have any problem with it. That said, no matter what the
elided code looks like, it's very hard to imagine this can be a good use of
exceptions. It appears you're using exceptions as an alternative to return
codes on a 1:1 basis, but a major advantage of exceptions is that they
allow you to separate program logic from error handling. Well-written
programs contain few try/catch blocks; they instead rely on destructors of
local objects to perform whatever clean-up is necessary, and most functions
don't contain a try/catch block.

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP

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