Re: CStringArray
You may want to try code like this, defining an helper class called
IONameManager ioNames;
// mod = 0, location = 0
ioNames.InsertName( 0, 0, _T("Test") );
// mod = 2, location = 3
ioNames.InsertName( 2, 3, _T("Ciao") );
// Print content of the class
MessageBox( NULL, ioNames.ToString(), _T("IONameManager"), MB_OK);
The class implementation is like this (it may have bugs, but seems to
BTW: I'm not sure I understood your specifications correctly...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stores a 2D array of strings, indexed by "ModNum" and "Location".
// Use InsertName() to insert/modify a name in the given position.
// Use GetName() to retrieve the name in given position
// (returns an empty string if no name is inserted there).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class IONameManager
enum { ModNumMax = 16 }; // modNum in 0-16
enum { LocationMax = 12 }; // location in 0-12
// Build the object
// Build array of proper size
: m_names( (ModNumMax+1) * (LocationMax+1) )
// The class methods check for valid position indexes.
// On bad indexes, they ASSERT in debug builds, and
// throw exceptions in release builds.
// Insert/modify string in given position
void InsertName( int modNum, int location, const CString & name )
ATLASSERT( ValidIndexes( modNum, location ) );
if ( ! ValidIndexes(modNum, location ) )
throw std::out_of_range( "Bad addressing." ); GetIndex(modNum, location) ) = name;
// Get string in given position
CString GetName( int modNum, int location ) const
ATLASSERT( ValidIndexes( modNum, location ) );
if ( ! ValidIndexes(modNum, location ) )
throw std::out_of_range( "Bad addressing." );
return GetIndex(modNum, location) );
// Return string representation of the class,
// for debugging purpose
CString ToString() const
CString result;
for ( int mod = 0; mod <= ModNumMax; mod++ )
for ( int loc = 0; loc <= LocationMax; loc++ )
result.Append( _T("[") );
result.Append( GetName(mod, loc) );
result.Append( _T("] ") );
result.Append( _T("\n") );
return result;
typedef std::vector< CString > StringArray;
StringArray m_names;
// Do the given indexes specify a valid position?
bool ValidIndexes( int modNum, int location ) const
bool valid = false;
if ( modNum >= 0 && modNum <= ModNumMax )
if ( location >= 0 && location <= LocationMax )
valid = true;
return valid;
// Convert 2D indexes into 1D, to properly access the 1D array
int GetIndex( int modNum, int location ) const
return ( location + modNum * (LocationMax+1) );
"Hoop" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
I am doing some maintenance work on an MFC app.
The portion of code I have to deal with uses a number CStringArrays.
I am not that familier with these and have had limited success.
Code wise an array is created,
CStringArray ioNames[64];
Data is added,
void AddIOName(int modNum, CString name)
and accessed,
CString GetIOName(int modNum, int num)
return ioNames[modNum][num];
From what I have learned so far I have to make use of either
InsertAt() or SetAt(),
void InsertIOName(int modNum, int location, CString name)
// ioNames[modNum].InsertAt( location, name);
ioNames[modNum].SetAt(location, name);
I am wondering if anybody knows where there is some good code examples
for this. I have been looking
over the info at MSDN, no much in the way of examples.
What I would like is the proper way to initialze the arrays, not sure
if the original code is correct.
And if I use InsertAt() and SetAt(), would the GetIOName() above work?
I do not think so.
Thanks For any help or feedback.