Re: File Association in Dialog-Based Application

"Tom Serface" <>
Sun, 26 Oct 2008 09:20:43 -0700
One "modern" problem is that some users don't have access to this part of
the registry these days since it usually requires administrator privileges.
We've taken to adding these things in our setup programs because those are
typically run administrators anyway. Even the main code in MFC fails for
many applications, you just don't see it because it fails elegantly (just
doesn't always work as expected).

I think this may be better under Vista because I think the associations
there are under HKCU rather than HKCR.

If it were me, I'd just write a small routine to add the associations in

Here's some code I use, but it hasn't been updated for Vista and assumes
administrator privileges for at least one running of my program:

void CMyApp::AddXXXRegistryType(void)
     Registry qdReg(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T(".xxx"),true,false);
     Registry qdRegMyKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,_T("MyApp.MyKey"),true,false);
     CString csProgramPath, csDefaultIcon, csCommand;
     AfxGetModuleShortFileName(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), csProgramPath);
     csDefaultIcon = csProgramPath + _T(",28"); // Index of icon in EXE
     csCommand = csProgramPath + _T(" \"%1\"");

     if (qdReg.IsValidKey()) {
          bool bSuccess = qdReg.SetString(_T(""), _T("MyApp.MyKey"));
          bSuccess = qdRegMyKey.SetString(_T(""),_T("MyApp.MyKey));
          bSuccess = qdRegMyKey.SetInt(_T("EditFlags"),0);
          bSuccess = qdRegDefaultIcon.SetString(_T(""),csDefaultIcon);
          bSuccess = qdRegShellCommand.SetString(_T(""),csCommand);
          LogEvent("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.xxx reg key not valid");


"Jonathan Wood" <> wrote in message

Has anyone seen any info on how to associated a file type with my
dialog-based application?

In order to use RegisterShellFileTypes(), I must add my document template
using AddDocTemplates(). But AddDocTemplates() can't be called without a
CDocument class.

Thanks for any thoughts.

Jonathan Wood
SoftCircuits Programming

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