Re: Help;-( internal compiler errors after patchday
On 17 Feb., 16:35, ".rhavin grobert" <> wrote:
On 16 Feb., 22:44, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:
Not a happy situation.
Guess what ... another "System Critical Update" was delivered right
before closing time ... and right after "" was
COMPLETELY GONE (!); now today i started compiling and instead of a
dozen "internal compiling errors" i just got two witch dissapeared
after recompiling.
OK, it's still not that stable ... often while compiling, the vc6
simply stops doing anything ... even "stop build" needs a minute to do
for example, the following code now gives an "internal compiler error"
at the functions closing bracket (!) ... i really cant see anything
that could possibly call a hidden destructor there, a QUAD is simply
an unsigned __int64...
// prepares a message
bool CQControl::_GUIPost(QUAD qMsg, PCVOID pMsg, DWORD dwLen) const
SQMsgBlock* pMB = NULL;
pMB = new SQMsgBlock;
if (dwLen == 0 || pMsg == NULL)
pMB->dwLen = 0;
pMB->ptBlock = NULL;
pMB->dwLen = dwLen;
pMB->ptBlock = malloc(dwLen);
memcpy(pMB->ptBlock, pMsg, dwLen);
pMB->qType = qMsg;
pMB->hReturn = 0;
if (_GUIPost(pMB))
return true;
return false;
catch (...)
return false;
... compiling it again works without problem, unless (sometimes) the
system simply reboots. as this happend in a few seconds, i dont think
its any device going into some harmfull state ;-(