Re: Exception handling?

Giovanni Dicanio <>
Wed, 23 Jun 2010 10:37:23 +0200
On 23/06/2010 01:51, Joseph M. Newcomer wrote:

Note that this could be handled as

BOOL TryParse(...args...)
          return TRUE;
          return FALSE;

It ain't rocket science. And it isn't clear to me how handling the exception results in
"bad code".

Sure it isn't (ain't?) rocket science... but do you like a fopen that
throws an exception if the file cannot be opened? No, I prefer one
returning an error code.
The fact that you can't open a file is not an exceptional condition, and
I prefer code like:

   if ( some_open_file_api(...) == error )
      ... do what you want... (e.g. create the file, or other stuff...)
   ... normal flow

instead of try/catch.

It was clearly written before: the usefulness of exceptions is inversely
proportional to the number of try/catch you use: if you clutter your
code with lots of try/catch then IMHO you are overusing (abusing)

I think exceptions should be used in *exceptional* conditions (like
David wrote before).

BTW: I like these articles from the OldNewThing blog:

"Cleaner, more elegant, and wrong"

"Cleaner, more elegant, and harder to recognize"


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