Re: file can not be open, read or write in visual studio 2005

"Tom Serface" <>
Mon, 3 Jul 2006 10:42:47 -0700
Even if you deselect the Unicode setting you will want to surround all of
your string values with _T() and use TCHAR and the other functions as Joe
indicated. Eventually you will want to go to Unicode on this program or
another and getting into the practice of doing this now will save you a lot
of trouble in the future. The macros don't cause you anything except a few


"fatmouse" <> wrote in message

What can I say! you are the best!
I reall appreciate it. I just simply deselect the unicode. thanks for
all those suggestions! it will help me to improve my programing skill.

Thanks again,


Joseph M. Newcomer wrote:

Default in VS2005 is Unicode apps. So "test.txt" was always wrong; it
should have been
_T("test.txt"). You should forget the 'char' datatype exists except in
really weird and
esoteric situations, and should never have used it in the past for things
like filenames.
I am curious why you think test should be [50] when the correct
declaration, assuming your
file was using only 8-bit characters, would have been
char test[] = :"test";
char * test = "test";
and to support Unicode I/O the declaration should have been either
TCHAR test[] = _T("test");
LPTSTR test = _T("test");

Now the additional question is whether or not a Unicode app is supposed
to write 8-bit
characters or not; for example, to write the appropriate number of bytes
you should have
Fileopen.Write(test, strlen(test));
to write 8-bit characters (why are you writing 6 characters of a
4-character string?) or
for Unicode it would have been
Fileopen.Write(test, _tcslen(test) * sizeof(TCHAR));
Then why are you using a FILE * mixed with a CFile? For that matter, if
you want a FILE
*, why not use CStdioFile? This code is looking bizarrely complex for
solving a simple

And you should not use MessageBox; use AfxMessageBox,
AfxMessageBox(_T("Filename error or not exiting", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
and for that matter, why are you not using ::GetLastError and
FormatMesage to actually
EXPLAIN THE REAL ERROR!!!! (The CORRECT approach to reporting a file
error goes something
     if(fopen_s(&fp, m_MSFileName, "r") == NULL)
           { /* failed */
                DWORD err = ::GetLastError();
CString s;
CString fmt;
fmt.LoadString(IDS_FILE_ERROR); // "File open error\n%s\n%s"
s.Format(fmt, m_MSFileName, ErrorString(err));
   AfxMessageBox(s, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
         } /* failed */

where ErrorString is a function you write that uses ::FormatMessage to
format the error
code into a readable string. Otherwise, you have NO IDEA why the open
failed, and
therefore any attempt to describe what you think might be the reason is

Most of my sample code on my MVP Tips site contains an implementation of
usually in a set of files called ErrorString.cpp/.h. Without the EXACT
explanation of the
error message, you cannot explain what really went wrong.

You can tell VS2005 to use the old 8-bit model, but it is a very good
idea to always have
programmed Unicode-aware.

On 1 Jul 2006 07:46:47 -0700, "fatmouse" <> wrote:

I am trying to transfer my visual c++ 6 to visual studio 2005. every
thing seems fine, but I can not open,read and write any file in my
program. they are either not avaliable or unaccessible. Please, Save
here is my code:
CFile Fileopen;
CFileException e;
Fileopen.Open("test.txt",CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeRead ,&e);
char test[50]="test";
FILE * fp;
MessageBox("Filename error or not

it works perfect in Visual C 6
Haowei Song

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
MVP Tips:

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