Re: Quesion on mutex
<> wrote in message
Hi David,
i was able to do it..I used the toolhelp API's to do this..The code is
as follows.
HANDLE hSnapShot;
hSnapShot=CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS ,0);
cout<<endl<<"Name: "<<processInfo->szExeFile;
delete processInfo;
From this i get the list of all the processes running in the system..
Glad you found a solution, Arun! BTW, I've found that on Win2K,
processInfo->szExeFile is truncated to some number of characters (11 or 16,
I think). It's not truncated on Win9x or WinXP. So if the process has a
longer filename than that, it will be truncated. To get the full filename,
I believe I iterated the modules of the process, and the first module
retrieved will be the .exe (with the full name).
Even Process Explorer ( has this problem. On Win2K, it
shows a truncated process name. I've e-mailed Mark Russinovich, but so far
he hasn't fixed it.
-- David