Re: "virtual" not extended to derived classes by default?

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:56:56 -0500
MrAsm wrote:

I have defined a class to represent Stack errors (StackException).
I have derived it from std::exception.
Then, from StackException, two more classes are derived:
StackOverflowException and StackUnderflowException.

The std::exception has the virtual destructor.
I did not repeat the keyword "virtual" in my custom defined derived
classes, and I had a memory leak from DBGHEAP.C in Visual C++ 6.

If I repeat the "virtual" keyword in each class destructor, everything
goes fine.

So, I tought that, if a base class defines a virtual destructor, then
all derived classes will have a virtual destructor.

That's how it's defined in the C++ Standard.

But it seems that virtual declaration must be repeated for each
derived classes.

Please post the code (preferably distilled to the bare minimum to
demostrate the problem).

My question is: is Visual C++ 6 out-of-standard in this particular
aspect, or is it a general C++ rule that "virtual" keyword must be
repeated in each derived class?

No, it's not "out-of-standard in this particular aspect". Post
your code (in its distilled form, please).

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