Devang wrote:
On Apr 1, 3:33 am, "Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]" <r...@nospam.nospam> wrote:
Devang wrote:
I want todisablebluetoothdevice connected to my PC.
Can I disblebluetoothradio connected to my PC through code (C++) ?
Yes, using SetupDi* functions.
Thanking you
Devang Vyas
In Win2000 when I call "SetupDiRemoveDevice" it removes bluetooth
device from "Device Manager".
But it still works fine ( I have installed third party bluetooth
driver for Win2000).
And GUID_DEVCLASS_BLUETOOTH in "SetupDiGetClassDevs" doesn't works
in win2000.
If you remove the driver, the device will be left unattached, and
Windows will install the best driver for it at the next opportunity.
If you want to disable, as you first said, try something along these
lines (this is C++/CLI code, but the steps should be readily
apparent, mostly you want to replace the error handling):
void Device::Disable( void )
params.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof (SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER);
params.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE;
params.Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL;
params.HwProfile = 0;
params.StateChange = DICS_DISABLE;
if (!SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW((HDEVINFO)deviceSet,
(PSP_DEVINFO_DATA)deviceData, ¶ms.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof
throw gcnew WinapiException();
if (!SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE,
(HDEVINFO)deviceSet, (PSP_DEVINFO_DATA)deviceData))
throw gcnew WinapiException();
So how can I find out installed bluetooth device in PC.
Your code sample was very helpful.
It too works fine for WinXP SP2.
But I am facing problem with "Windows 2000".
I have installed "BlueSoleil" driver on Windows 2000.
device class desc).
But unable to disble it. The same code work fine for WinXP.