Re: To get ProcessID from ProcessName.

"David Ching" <>
Wed, 21 Jan 2009 11:07:01 -0800
"veethappi" <> wrote in message

I have an application where the requirement is to get a Processid from the
process name. Say the process name that is running in the system is
Notepad.exe, I need to capture processid of Notepad.exe.

For this we have implemented an approach. But this approach is failing in
some systems.

Use the ToolHelp API to create a snapshot of processes:

DWORD FindProcessId (LPCSTR pAppName)
 // Search for a process with same name as pAppName
 // and return it's ID.
 VerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
 GetVersionEx (&VerInfo);
 BOOL bWin2k = ((VerInfo.dwMajorVersion == 5) && (VerInfo.dwMinorVersion ==
0)); // Win2K

 // Determine all processes in the system at this instant:
 DWORD dwProcessId = 0;
 HANDLE hSnapshotProcess = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);

 // Find filename.ext of pAppName:
 LPTSTR pAppFileName = PathFindFileName (pAppName);

 // Enumerate all the processes, searching for ones corresponding to
 pe.dwSize = sizeof(pe);
 for ( BOOL bMoreProcesses = Process32First (hSnapshotProcess, &pe);
   bMoreProcesses && !dwProcessId;
   bMoreProcesses = Process32Next (hSnapshotProcess, &pe) )
  LPCTSTR pExePath = pe.szExeFile;

  if (bWin2k)
   // A bug in Win2K truncates pe.szExeFile to 15 characters! But the first
   // is the full path to the .exe. Use that instead:
   if ( pe.th32ProcessID != 0 ) // not special system process, whose first
module can be anything
    // safe to call Module32First and not have it accidentally match
    HANDLE hSnapshotModule = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPMODULE,
    me.dwSize = sizeof(me);
    Module32First (hSnapshotModule, &me);
    pExePath = me.szModule;
    CloseHandle (hSnapshotModule);

  // Win9x reports full path name; isolate this process's filename.ext:
  LPTSTR pExeFileName = PathFindFileName (pExePath);
  if ( lstrcmpi (pAppFileName, pExeFileName) == 0 ) // filenames match
   // no callback, return this process
   dwProcessId = pe.th32ProcessID;

 CloseHandle (hSnapshotProcess);

 return dwProcessId;

-- David

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