Lee Tow wrote:
void CDgl::OnButton1()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HWND hWnd=GetSafeHwnd();
int a1=123,a2=456;
LPVOID tt1,tt2;
when I don't add the last line:Sleep(10),the running result is that
the thread1 is right,but the thread2 is error;but when I add the last
line:Sleep(10),the running result are all right,I want to know why?
Thank you very much.
You are passing the address of variables in the stack to the threads.
When the threads start the stack variables have probably been destroyed,
which leaves the threads with invalid pointers. Calling AfxBeginThread
does not immediately start the thread: It just schedules the thread to
run at some future time. When you pass an address to a thread you must
make sure that the object pointed to will last at least as long as the
You should also remove your thread calls to windows that were created in
the main thread. See this link for the safe way to update windows from
another thread: http://vcfaq.mvps.org/mfc/12.htm
Scott McPhillips [VC++ MVP]