Re: sending CString to CStatic label control from worker thread

"Z.K." <>
Sat, 13 May 2006 16:09:17 -0700
David Wilkinson wrote:

Z.K. wrote:

I need to send a CString from a thread to a static label on the main
dialog form. I think I have the thread working okay, but I am unsure
how to send the CString to the dialog control. I have seen
information on using PostMessage and SendMessage, but I don't really
understand how to use these functions.

Obviously I can't do like I tried below and I can't get a pointer to
the control from the thread function, so just how do I say send the
word "hello" to the SetWindowText() function of the label control on
the dialog form. I have looked on the Internet and in several books,
but I still don't quite understand without an exact example of how to
do this. It seems like all that PostMessage can do is say repaint the
screen and other simple tasks, but how do I do something with an
individual control.


CWinThread* pThread =
    MessageBox("Thread Started");

UINT CInterfaceKitTestDlg::WorkerThreadProc( LPVOID Param )
    CString temp;
    CPhidgetServoHandle Servo = 0;
    double motorPos = 0.0;

        CInterfaceKitTestDlg * pTest = (CInterfaceKitTestDlg *)Param;

    pTest->PostMessage(IDC_INPUT,"hello"); //just an example
of //what I would
                                            //like to do, unsure of how.
                                            //this is not meant to be a
                                            //real statement.
    temp.Format("Motor Position 0 = %f",motorPos);

    return TRUE;


If you post or send a custom mesage to the dialog itself, then in the
handler you can do anything you want, including setting the text of a

In MyDialog.h:

Define message:



afx_msg LRESULT OnMyMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

In MyDialog.cpp:

Message map entry:



CMyDialog* pDlg =(CMyDialog*)pParam;
LPCTSTR msg = _T("Hello");
pDlg->PostMessage(UM_MY_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)msg);


LRESULT CMyDialog::OnMyMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
  LPCTSTR msg = (LPCTSTR)wParam;
  return 1;

Try it!

David Wilkinson

Oh okay, that makes it more understandable, thanks.


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