RE: MFC Exception TRY/CATCH without the braces { } can compile

=?Utf-8?B?QXJtYW4gU2FoYWt5YW4=?= <>
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 22:35:00 -0700
There are braces, of course. They are part of TRY/CATCH definitions.
TRY and CATCH are defined smth like so;

#define TRY try {
#define CATCH(cls, o) } catch(cls *o) {

Also there are other MFC specific stuff in those defines. See Afx.h file.
By the way, why not to right-click on TRY [or CATCH or smth else] and Go To
Definition from the open context menu..


"learnyourabc" wrote:

I have seen some programs that use the MFC exception TRY and CATCH
without the braces

//no starting brace { or ending brace } at all in the TRY and CATCH
CStdioFile Configfile (_T (ConfigurationFile), CFile::modeRead);

CATCH (CFileException, e)
e->ReportError ();
e->Delete ();

I am able to compile and run the program above even when there is no
braces {} around the TRY and CATCH
Where is the MFC exception TRY and CATCH defined?.h?? and why no
braces { } also can work?? Is it defined inside the macros itself??
Any help would be much appreciated.

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