Re: fscanf hangs

 Amal P <>
Sun, 17 Jun 2007 18:32:23 -0700
On Jun 18, 10:19 am, PeterOut <> wrote:

I am using MS Visual C++ 6.0 on Windows XP 5.1 (SP2).

I am not sure if this is a C, C++ or MS issue but fscanf has been
randomly hanging on me. I make the call hundreds, if not thousands,
of times but it hangs in different places with the same data. The
offending code follows.

ReadFile(char *csFileName)
        float fFloat1, fFloat2;
        long lLong1, lLong2, lNum, lLastX = iColumns-1, lLastY =iRows-1;
        int iRead;
                FILE *fpInFile;

                if ((fpInFile= fopen(csFileName, "r")) == NULL) return

                                // It randomly hangs on the followinf
                iRead=fscanf(fpInFile, "%d%d%f%f%d", &lLong1, &lLong2, &fFloat1,
&fFloat2, &lNum);
                if (iRead==0 || iRead==EOF) break;
        } while (lX < lLastX || lY < lLastY);


I am wondering if I should just do binary reading so as to have more
control over what is going on.

Many thanks in advance for any assistance,

Dear Peter,

  Your are not closing the file.
  Use fclose for closing the file.

Thanks and regards,
Amal P.

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