Re: Handing exceptions

Henryk Birecki <>
Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:42:04 GMT
I have quite a similar problem (WindowsCE programmming, VS2008). In my
case an access denied exception (crash) always occurs at the same
place in the same thread when a value is read from memory mapped file.
Exception is irreproduceable in that program goes many (random number)
times through there with the same values before crashing. Exception
seems to occur only in the emulator preventing easy debugging. On a
device there seems to be no problem. In any case trying to put TRY -
CATCH -END CATCH block around offending sentence (x=*p;) does not
help. Exception still "floats" up to system handler. So far I put this
off to emulator problem and worked around for debugging, but it
worries me.

Any ideas?
Henryk Birecki

"Lisa Pearlson" <no@spam.plz> wrote:


My debug output shows an exception when using CArchive::ReadString() beyond
the end of the file.
I thought that by handling exceptions, I could prevent the debug output for

CFile f;
if (f.Open(_T("\\Temp\\test.txt"), CFile::modeRead)) {
   CArchive ar(&f, CArchive::load);
   CString s;
   try {
       while (ar.ReadString(s)) {
           DEBUGMSG(1, (_T("ReadString: %s\r\n"), s));
   } catch (CArchiveException* e) {
       e->ReportError(); // never gets called!

However, output is still shown for CArchiveException::endOfFile, and my
exception handler is never called.
Yes, I provided the /EHsc (and tried deprecated /GX) compiler options, set
via Project Settings/C++/Exception Handling in VS 2005.

Any clues?


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