Re: How to display messages to the user during long processes!!

Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:57:13 -0700 (PDT)
On Sep 24, 10:16 pm, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:

See below...

On Wed, 24 Sep 2008 08:58:58 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

On Sep 24, 7:42 am, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:

That's why I hook the node-builder event. It allows me to show actual =

progress. In my

PowerPoint indexer I am able to determine the total number of slides a=

nd that makes it

pretty easy, but at each #include I add a new progress bar and let it =

run. This is much

better than having a single progress bar whose contents you can never =

interpret, as it

makes N passes but you have no idea what 'progress' it is really showi=


I added the XML progress bar even though it takes under a minute to re=

ad and parse the

file because the customer really wanted a visble progress bar for any =

operation that took

longer than a few seconds (5 seconds was the nominal acceptable delay =

time without a

progress bar). In the library I use, the node-hook is called each time=

 a node is started,

and when you call the reader, you give it an LPVOID userData type of p=

arameter. So I just

packaged the CFile* into the structure I passed in, which let me get t=

he file position

each time a node is built. A small data file can have perhaps 10,000 n=

odes, a large one

perhaps 250,000. In practice, we seemed to hover around 25,000-40,000 =

nodes, and this

exceeded the 5-second limit.

On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 14:30:11 -0700, "Tom Serface" <tom.nos...@camaswoo=> wrote:

I think an approx. progress bar is better than none, but one that jum=

ps from

0 to 100 is pretty useless. The thing to strive for is periodic feedb=

ack if

the process is going to take a long time. I'm not sure why this is th=

e case

with an XML file unless it is huge. I can parse a 500K line XML file =


the progress bar even displays so I haven't found it useful to show t=


kind of feedback.


"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message

I have an article from my Web site) on h=


to put progress
controls on a status bar.

In my PowerPoint Indexer, I have a dialog that does nested progress=


as various
#includes are processed (I allow the user to start with one present=


and pull in a
second one for a composite index). The whole point was to allow for=



Many parsing libraries have hooks for various events; the XML libra=

ries I

use all do.
That's where I just ask the current file position of the input file=

.. It

isn't quite
dead-on because it represents where the file pointer is, not where =


internal buffers
are, but it is a good enough approximation for a progress bar.

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
MVP Tips: quoted text -

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Hi all,

Thanks to all for the replies but i feel your solution is rather bit

My solution is simple but not fully implemented i need you guys help

In my code

First i call to start the message:




As soon as I see something callling a method of the CWinApp class, I know=

 I'm seeing a

very, very suspect design decision. Assume that you never HEARD of the=


class EXCEPT in the implementation module for the CWinApp class, and that=

 never, ever,

under any conditions imaginable will ever refer to the 'theApp' variable.=

  In order to do

that, you need the header file for the CWinApp class included, and the fi=

rst thing you

should do in any sane design is delete that #include from your modules (M=

icrosoft LOVES to

put it in, but putting it in is always wrong)

NEVER use WM_ as a prefix for a user-defined message, ever. It makes f=

uture maintenance


What are the meanings of 1 and 0? If WPARAM is a boolean, you would us=

e TRUE or FALSE; if

LPARAM is not used, you would not even mention it.



    lengthy process which takes

lot of time like connecting to device and .Xml parsing


                           Then i want to e=

nd the message




Looks to me like these should have been
        ->PostMessage(UWM_SHOWMSG, TRUE);
        ->PostMessage(UWM_SHOWMSG, FALSE);
so why use 0 and 1 as parameters? Also, I would have passed the CWnd* =

into the thread,

not given it a hardwired member of the CWinApp-derived class.

IN the message Handler:


LRESULT CDlgMain::DispMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

If lParam is not used, the correct prototype is
otherwise you will get a warning about unused parameters


If it is a boolean value, just say
and forget doing an ==. Actually, the BOOL cast is redundant, but =

doing things like ==1

and ==0 to convey boolean state is poor practice
****> {


    /*start a message stating

"please wait... Loading in progress" without any controls*/

but i am not getting how to show

just a message with no controls.I tried creating a dialog box and
using domodal to display the message

  but it has a caption which i

cannot remove and also i do not know how to close the dialog box
programmatically without pressing any cancel button or ok button.

Create the dialog box template without a caption, minimize, maximize, or =

system menu. I

tend to create them as modeless rather than modal, but if I were creating=

 one modal I

would probably launch the thread from its OnInitDialog handler passing 't=

his' in as the

place to post the messages.

When the thread terminates, you would simply invoke the CDialog::OnOK met=

hod to terminate

a modal dialog box, or call DestroyWindow to terminate a modeless dialog =


This assumes your thread does a PostMessage that it has terminated, which=

 is good

practice. You would also override the OnOK and OnCancel handlers to do=

 nothing, and

remove the buttons, or you would override the OnOK handler to do nothing,=

 but the OnCancel

handler would be something like

void CMyDIalog::OnOK()
 //does NOTHING, empty body (except for this comment)


void CMyDialog::OnCancel()
    ...request thread shutdown

NOTE THAT THERE IS NO CDialog::OnCancel call issued by the OnCancel handl=

er. Then you

would do something like

LRESULT CMyDIalog::OnThreadTerminated(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
    ...thread terminated due to cancellation: wParam is TRUE
    ...thread terminatived because it ran to completion: wParam is FA=


    BOOL ProcessingAborted = (BOOL)wParam;
    return 0;
Note that I roll this code into a more general method later in this discu=




 so a message or atleast a

dialogbox with no caption and displaying the message is just fine
                   /*Stop the message when wparam i=

s 0*/

                   the dialogbox or message should =

close without any button click by

See my code above. You would call CDialog::OnOK because it was a succe=

ssful termination.

Or you would pass in information saying whether it was a successful termi=

nation or a

cancellation, e.g.,





* =


* Inputs:
* WPARAM: (WPARAM)(ThreadState) the state of the thread
* THREAD_STARTING: (LPARAM)(CString*) The message to show
* Note: the r=

eceiver must delete this CString*

* Result: LRESULT
* Logically void, 0, always
* Effect:
* THREAD_STARTING: shows the text in the dialog box
* THREAD_FINISHED: Closes the dialog with OK status
* THREAD_CANCELLED: Closes the dialog with cancelled status


....define UWM_THREAD_STATE here, I would write
static const UINT UWM_THREAD_STATE = ::RegisterWindowMessage(_T("UWM_TH=



Note that if your definition of your message DOES NOT INCLUDE THE ABOVE D=


NEED TO RETHINK HOW YOU PROGRAM! Every message is an interface, and ev=

ery interface must

be specified by writing coherent documentation.

Since I'm working on the premise here that you are using a modal dialog, =

I would do the


void CMyWhatever::StartLongProcess()
     CMyProgressDialog dlg;
     dlg.parameters = ...set parameters to thread here...
         { /* dlg */
          case IDOK:
        with success
          case IDCANCEL:
                 ... deal with cancellation
        } /* dlg */

BOOL CMyProgressDialog::OnInitDialog()
      parameters.wnd = this; // CWnd * wnd; // Notification w=


      AfxBeginThread(threadfunc, &parameters);
      return TRUE;

LRESULT CmyProgressDialog::OnThreadState(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
      ThreadState state = (ThreadState)wParam;
          { /* state */
           case THREAD_STARTING:
                CString * s = (CString *)lParam;
                delete s;
           case THREAD_FINISHED:
          case THREAD_CANCELLED:
       } /* state */
     return 0;

   return TRUE;


please reply how to do it

Thanks in advance,

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
MVP Tips:

Hi Joe,

Thanks for reply.I am not getting the exact flow of what u are saying

What i understood is this:

//Logic is simple i am starting the message "please wait loading in
theApp.m_dlgMain->PostMessage(UWM_SHOWMSG, TRUE);

/* code for connecting to the device and parsing the .xml file which
will take 1-2 min*/

//Stop the message
theApp.m_dlgMain->PostMessage(UWM_SHOWMSG, FALSE);


LRESULT CDlgMain::Dispmesg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)


                   U have written lot of functions and how to call
from here is what i am not getting->can u please give a connection
from here

                     Message "please wait loading in progress" should
                     I do not know how to start a message just saying
the above with no controls-->need help here
                 which function to call to terminate ???

                    Message "please wait loading in progress" should
                    I do not know how to stop a message just saying
the above with no controls-->need your help here
    return TRUE;

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