Re: CFileDialog filters not working on Windows 7

Peter Olcott <>
Wed, 26 Jan 2011 21:14:57 -0600
On 1/26/2011 5:49 PM, David Lowndes wrote:

I can't get multiple file filters to work correctly on Windows 7.
When I select another filter the same list of files that should now be
filtered out is displayed. Is there a work around for this apparent bug?

Do you have a code snippet that reproduces the issue?

Not handy. The problem is that the same code that works on XP does not
work on Window 7 of Vista. If this is not enough, I will provide more

Unless we can see code that reproduces your issue, we can only guess
where the problem may be!


This code reproduces the issue. The issue is that this code works
correctly except that the file list is not refreshed when a different
filter is selected. The problem has been reported on Windows 7, and
Windows Vista, it works correctly on XP.

void ImageWindow::Open()
   static CString szFilter = L"BMP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|TIF (*.tif)|*.tif|PNG
   CFileDialog dlg(TRUE,_T("png"),NULL,OFN_HIDEREADONLY,szFilter,NULL,0);

   if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) {
     CString csImage = dlg.GetPathName();

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