Re: File I/O in MFC
What version of VStudio are you using?
Either way I would use CString instead of char *.
"baha" <> wrote in message
I am trying to do a simple operation, open a file and write to it. In my
class I added code which I copied from the MSDN site and modified it for
purposes but here's what it looks like.
char* pszFileName = "c:\\test\\myfile.txt";
CFile myFile;
CFileException fileException;
if ( !myFile.Open( pszFileName, CFile::modeCreate |
CFile::modeReadWrite, &fileException ) )
TRACE( "Can't open file %s, error = %u\n",
pszFileName, fileException.m_cause );
when I try to build I get an error that Open cannot convert pszFileName
char* to LPCTSTR. When I cast pszFileName to LPCTSTR it builds
but the file ends up being created in
C:\Documents and Settings\<myuser>\My Documents\Visual Studio
2005\Projects\<my project> instead of in C:\test\. Further, the file has a
weird name that looks like chinese or japanese and it's not even in text
format. Does anyone know what it happening. I am using VS 2005.