Re: CMapStringToString class not compatible WinCE <-> desktop

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Thu, 17 May 2007 16:32:30 GMT
I might have miss understood your question.

But I still can't find where CMapStringToString is declared as a CMap<>..w

under VS 2005 CMapStringToString is define in afxcoll.h which inherits from

Also looking at the Serialize method of both CMap and CMapStringToString
they seem to be identical in what they write to the CArchive.


"AliR (VC++ MVP)" <AliR@online.nospam> wrote in message

I don't have any exprience using Archive, but have you concidered changing
the Desktop application to use CMap<CString,CString,CString,CString>


<> wrote in message

My problem is that we develop a desktop application which stores data
in CMapStringToString class. This file is then loaded by similar
(viewer-type) application on WinCE devices. However in MFC8
CMapStringToString class is replaced by template class CMap<>. This
cause the CE application to fail to load the document.

- X86 Application compiled in VS6/MFC4 serializes CMapStringToString
- Smart Device application then tries to deserialize the data to
incompatible CMap<CString, CString>

I have already tried following:

1. Load the class + object myself. This is fine until you have to load
second object of the same class - MFC is looking for the index of
CRuntimeClass stored in CArchive *PROTECTED* map/list of "already-
read" classes. Index for CMapStringToString is obviously missing.

2. In addition to workaround #1, I have created class CMyArchive
derived from CArchive. This class adds new member function which
stores the required index for the CMapStringToString. Then I cast
CArchive to CMyArchive and call the function. It works fine, the map
is then loaded correctly, but later in the serialization process
something goes wrong again (Data Abort)

3. Finally I have tried to port desktop version of CMapStringToString
to WinCE code. I have changed the name to CMapStringToString2 but
modified the "classCMapStringToString2.m_lpszClassName" member from
CMapStringToString2 to CMapStringToString. Again the class information
is loaded fine, but it even fails to load the object part. When
calling CMapStringToString2::SetAt(), it jumps to afxcomctl32.h at Ln
370 where you can find:

(LPCPROPSHEETPAGEW constPropSheetPagePointer),

I'm out of any other ideas how to overcome this, can someone help me


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