Re: Problem with MS Visual C++ 7.0 getline function

Norbert Unterberg <nunterberg@newsgroups.nospam>
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:24:09 +0200
Hollywood schrieb:

I get this error each time I use the getline function. I am using MS
Visual C++ 7.0.

error C2780 :
_Elem)':3 arguments attendus - 2 fournis
error C2780 :
_Elem)':impossible de d?duire l'argument de mod?le de
'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>&'? partir de 'std::string'

Here is a part of my code. Can you tell me why I am getting these
errors? Thanks for the help!!


         CFile LogFile;

     std::string Foo2(" " );
    getline(LogFile, Foo2, '\n');

getline() works on std::istreams, but you are trying to use it on a MFC CFile
class. Either use getline with std::string on a std::ifstream to read the file,
or use CStrings with CStdioFile::ReadString. You can not easily mix std::string
with CFile.

For most non-GUI related stuff, I would rather use the stdard C++ classes over
the MFC classes. In particular, the std-C++ container classes are much more
flexible and perform better than the MFC container classes.


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