Re: Handing exceptions

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>
Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:10:51 -0600
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:42:04 GMT, Henryk Birecki
<> wrote:

I have quite a similar problem (WindowsCE programmming, VS2008). In my
case an access denied exception (crash) always occurs at the same
place in the same thread when a value is read from memory mapped file.
Exception is irreproduceable in that program goes many (random number)
times through there with the same values before crashing. Exception
seems to occur only in the emulator preventing easy debugging. On a
device there seems to be no problem.

Emulators and debuggers have bugs, too.

In any case trying to put TRY -
CATCH -END CATCH block around offending sentence (x=*p;) does not
help. Exception still "floats" up to system handler. So far I put this
off to emulator problem and worked around for debugging, but it
worries me.

Any ideas?

A CArchiveException is a C++ exception, while an access violation is a
Windows structured exception, and these things are very different. In
general, you aren't going to catch structured exceptions in C++ exception
handlers. For more, see:

FWIW, I was under the impression that VC for WinCE doesn't support C++
exceptions. Not that it matters for your question, but do the TRY/CATCH
macros translate into try/catch or the old setjmp/longjmp pseudo-EH?

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP

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