Re: Can't read CString after serialization

"Giovanni Dicanio" <>
Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:06:34 +0100
"Giovanni Dicanio" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

So, I think you should write a customized version (template
specialization) of SerializeElements for your particular class

Another approach could be to not call CArchive.Serialize. Instead, you could
do the serialization yourself, implementing a custom serialization something
like this (not tested):

 void SaveToArchive( const CArray<CPlanetData> & data, CArchive & ar )
    ASSERT( ar.IsStoring() );

    // Write number of planets
    int count = data.GetCount();
    ar << count;

    // Write each planet data to archive
    for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
       data.GetAt( i ).Serialize( ar );

Similar for loading (first you read the data count, then set array size, and
load each planet data into it):

 void LoadFromArchive( CArray< CPlanetData > & data, CArchive & ar )
    ASSERT( ar.IsLoading() );

    // Read number of planets
    int count;
    ar >> count;

    // Make room in output array
    data.SetSize( count );

    // Read each planet data from archive
    for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        data.GetAt(i).Serialize( ar );


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