Re: Directory Locked even after closing the file

"Alexander Grigoriev" <>
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 17:24:41 -0700
OpenFile dialog changes the current directory to the last one visited.

Your best bet is to SetCurrentDirectory to some other well-known persistent

"Dave Calkins" <david.calkins@noemail.noemail> wrote in message

We have a native C++ MFC SDI application built with MSVC++ 2005 SP1
running on Windows XP SP2 and we're seeing the following behavior.

- Open a file with the application
- Close the file
- Delete the file (this works)
- Try to delete the folder containing the file
- This fails -- Windows claims the directory is in use
- Open a file in another directory
- Try again, this time it works

Using the handle utility from SysInternals, we can see that after opening
the file, the process has an open handle for the file and one for the
directory. When closing the file from the application, the file handle is
no longer open, but the directory handle remains open.

We enabled handle checks in AppVerifier and used the WinDbg !htrace
command to see where the directory handle was getting acquired. We
discovered the below stack trace.

===== START
Handle = 0x000007c4 - OPEN
Thread ID = 0x00001974, Process ID = 0x000004b0

0x7c831e26: kernel32!SetCurrentDirectoryW+0x0000002b
0x763b86b2: comdlg32!CFileOpenBrowser::_CopyFileNameToOFN+0x00000144
0x763dbff1: comdlg32!CFileOpenBrowser::_ProcessItemAsFile+0x0000005b
0x763dd459: comdlg32!CFileOpenBrowser::_ProcessPidlSelection+0x00000048
0x763dd9e9: comdlg32!CFileOpenBrowser::OnDblClick+0x0000001c
0x763dda6a: comdlg32!CFileOpenBrowser::OnDefaultCommand+0x00000021
0x7caa2133: SHELL32!CDefView::_OnDefaultCommand+0x00000020
0x7ca495a9: SHELL32!CDefView::_OnLVNotify+0x0000037a
0x7c9f20a3: SHELL32!CDefView::_OnNotify+0x0000007c

===== END

So, it would appear that when opening a file, the current directory is
getting set to the containing directory for the file. This makes sense,
as when you open a file then open another it starts in the same directory.

However, why, when you close the file, does the handle remain open?

Any suggestions on how to deal with this properly?

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