Re: CFileDialog gives error "c:\document and ......\desktop refers to location not available........"

"Scot T Brennecke" <>
Mon, 25 May 2009 03:23:00 -0500
Services are usually running in the context of another user account (such as the NetworkService),
instead of your interactive account. Services are usually not meant to interact with the desktop.

It doesn't make sense to me that you'd want to run a service that actually requires user interaction
with a file dialog. What do you REALLY want to do? Why did you choose to run it as a service?

"Matrixinline" <> wrote in message

Hi All,

I am running my application as Service. Now When I want to save a
file, I tried using CFileDialog. but when ever I select "desktop" it
prompts a message as "C:\document and setting\networkService\desktop"
refers to location that iss unavailable. It could be hardware on this
computer, or on a network... "

I checked that "C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService" is available
but there is not desktop directory inside it.

Can you please let me know solution for this issue.


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