Re: Odd behavior/Hang with CFileDialog in vista.

"David Ching" <>
Thu, 23 Jul 2009 22:22:26 -0700
"James B." <> wrote in message

{ // Repeat until user either cancels or chooses an existing file
   bResult = false;

   if (openDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
   { // User has selected a file and pressed OK
outSelectedFile->Assign(openDlg.GetPathName(), NULL); // get the file name
bResult = true;
while (bResult && !outSelectedFile->OSIsFileExists());
It seems doModal is having issues setting up stuff on vista the second

One option I suppose would be to have *Dialog = new CFileDialog (...)
instead of having a local version, and delete and create it each time
but this seems heavy handed.

Is it ok/correct to have this kind of a loop and recall DoModal on the

I don't know, but I would declare

    CFileDialaog openDlg;

in the do loop (rather than using new CFileDialog), so you don't have to
worry about deleting it. See if it works. It's not that big a deal to
reconstruct CFileDialog in the loop.

Better yet, initialize the CFileDialog with OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST and avoid the
loop altogether, since the file dialog will then disable OK button until an
existing file is selected.

-- David

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