Re: sizeof peculiarity ?

=?Utf-8?B?Y3Jpc3Rp?= <>
Mon, 26 Jun 2006 07:41:02 -0700

Microsoft's compilers have always supported an extension allowing for
2-byte and 4-byte character literals:

    unsigned short ab = 'AB'; // hex value 4241
    unsigned int abcd = 'ABCD'; // hex value 44434241

I don't think you can complain about the compiler's behavior in this case.
0001FB94 is not a valid Unicode code point, so there isn no way to
determine whether it maps to one or more characters in the current
character set.

It sound very interesting and useful to me to hear that.

Why \U0001FB94 is it not a valid Unicode codepoint? It identifies a
unicode character outside BMP and it is also defined by the C++
standard. Probably Visual C does not consider it a valid one because
wchar_t is only 2 bytes long.

I thought it is ok to use in a wide string literal such a universal
character name. The following piece of code:

int main(void)
    printf( "length: %d\n", wcslen(L"A\U0001FB94") );
    return 0;

shows a length of 3. I didn't look to the encoding. But, having read
other documents specifying that Win32 is UTF-16 (and seeing that we
can use japanese/chinese characters) I thought the compiler encodes
all the wide string literal in UTF-16.

Then, yesterday I read the 2.13.4/5 section in the standard about the
length of a wide string literal and the standard definition --- "The
size of a wide string literal is the total number of escape sequences,
universal-character-names, and other characters, plus one for the
terminating L'\0' --- does not match the result provided by the above
piece of code. So, probably your explanation clarifies why the above
piece of code reports a length of 3.

All this means that we cannot use japanese/chinese (or characters
outside BMP) characters in wide string/character literals?

It's interesting to look at the hex values generated from those constants.

1. size : 1
2. size : 1
3. size : 1
4. size : 1
5. size : 1
6. size : 1
1. char : 41
2. char : 41
3. char : f3
4. char : 3f
5. char : 3f
6. char : 3f3f

The unknowns in 4 and 5 translate as ?, and the unknown in 6 translates as
- Tim Roberts,
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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