Re: How to modify program when running on x64 platform?

bluestar <>
Mon, 28 Apr 2008 19:17:50 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Sir:

        I know that it is best way to use inf to install.
        But this program already used by company for a long time,
        so i need to modify it to work x64 platform.

        I already found Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection and
        Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection to use, it works successfully.

        Thanks for your information.
        It's good to me for my concept of programming.

This is what happens if a 32-bit program tries to access c:\windows\system32. It is the
specified behavior of Win64 when running 32-bit drivers. The program that does this will
have to be compiled as a 64-bit program to work correctly.

      My driver file is 64-bit driver(build from WDK 6000) and my
windows version
      is WinXP x64 SP1. I logged in by using Account:Administrator.

OK, and now the trick is to get it into the actual windows directory. Note that end users
will rarely be logged on as administrators, so the fact that this works on your machine is
probably not relevant to being a product.

      I would try to copy my driver into c:\windows\system32\drivers
manually when
      fail to copy into c:\windows\SysWOW64\drivers. And plug-in the
device, the
      driver is loaded successfully.

The general way to handle this is via a .INF file and do a correct install.

      Why this api can't work at x64 platform?

It is working correctly, as it is supposed to, when a 32-bit program is run in the 32-bit
emulator of Win64.
****> Could you help me how to copy to correct folder?


Is there some reason this needs to be a member variable as opposed to a local variable?
****>GetModuleFileName(NULL, szSource, MAX_PATH);

   if(!m_bWin64) //Win32
           _tcscat_s(szSource, MAX_PATH, _T("\\usbflt.sys"));
           _tcscat_s(szSource, MAX_PATH, _T("\\usbflt64.sys"));
   _tcscpy_s (szDest,MAX_PATH,m_cWinSysDir);
   _tcscat_s(szDest, MAX_PATH, _T("\\drivers\\usbflt.sys"));

If this is MFC, why are you using things like _tcscpy_s and _tcscat_s, when CString is so
much easier to use? (At least you're using the safe versions, which is Good)

Type in the string Wow64Disable to the MSDN Index and you will hit the API call you need.

   if (!CopyFile(szSource, szDest, FALSE))
           MessageBox(_T("Copy driver:usbflt.sys failed!"), _T("USB Fast"),
           return false;

I can't comment on the manifest because as far as I can tell there is no available
documentation on them.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
<assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1'
 <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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