Re: Resizing DialogBox along with controls inside it

=?Utf-8?B?cF8xOTYw?= <>
Wed, 24 Jun 2009 02:48:01 -0700
Thanks for ur Reply...

The requirement is i need to increase the size of the DialogBox along with
Controls inside it based on the Resolution of the system During Runtime....

Please let me know any solution regarding the same

"Tom Serface" wrote:

In these cases I typically just make the control large enough to accomodate
the largest size font I would use. Too much room is better than too little
where you get truncated descriptions.

If you always want a different font, why not change it in the dialog editor
and they you can see how it affects the controls right in the editor.


"p_1960" <> wrote in message

im using the below code to resize the Dialog during im
overriding DoModal()
CTestDlgDlg is my application name....

INT_PTR CTestDlgDlg::DoModal()

CDialogTemplate dlt;
int nResult;
// load dialog template
//CTestDlg::IDD is the ID of my resoource...
if (!dlt.Load(MAKEINTRESOURCE(CTestDlg::IDD))) return -1;

// set your own font, for example "Arial", 10 pts.
dlt.SetFont(L"Arial", 12);

// get pointer to the modified dialog template
LPSTR pdata = (LPSTR)GlobalLock(dlt.m_hTemplate);

// let MFC know that you are using your own template
m_lpszTemplateName = NULL;

// display dialog box
nResult = CDialog::DoModal();

// unlock memory object

return nResult;

The issue is every control in the DialogBox is getting increased except
checkbox,Radio button..please let me know how can i increase the size of
checkbox,RadioButton inside the DialogBox during Runtime in this case....

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