Re: How to convert const char * to wchar_t

"Giovanni Dicanio" <>
Fri, 9 Oct 2009 08:23:46 +0200
"Manni" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

How can I convert const char * to wchar_t?
Example: char *argv[] is my array and i want it to pass to different
file which accept only WCHAR **argv where WCHAR is defined as typedef
wchar_t WCHAR

To convert from char* (ANSI/MBCS) strings to wchar_t* (Unicode UTF-16)
strings, you could use CStringW constructor overload, or CA2W helper class,
or the "raw" Win32 API ::MultiByteToWideChar.

Here is a sample compilable code that shows you a possible way to convert
from char** argv to a WCHAR** 'argv':

// test1.cpp

#include <iostream> // Console output
#include <vector> // Vector container
#include <atlstr.h> // CStringW

using std::cout;
using std::wcout;
using std::endl;

// Prints strings stored in argv
void TestUnicodeArgv( WCHAR **argv )
    wcout << endl;
    wcout << "*** Unicode strings:" << endl;
    WCHAR ** p = argv;
    while ( *p != NULL )
        wcout << *p << endl;
    wcout << "----------" << endl;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    // Convert strings from ANSI/MBCS
    // to Unicode UTF16, storing them in a vector container
    std::vector< CStringW > unicodeStrings;
    unicodeStrings.reserve( argc );
    for ( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
        unicodeStrings.push_back( CStringW( argv[i] ) );

    // Build an array of pointers to Unicode strings,
    // NULL terminated
    const int count = argc;
    std::vector< WCHAR * > unicodeStringPtrs;
    unicodeStringPtrs.reserve( count + 1 );
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        unicodeStringPtrs.push_back( const_cast<WCHAR
*>(unicodeStrings[i].GetString()) );
    // Terminate with NULL
    unicodeStringPtrs.push_back( NULL );

    // Call the test function
    TestUnicodeArgv( &unicodeStringPtrs[0] );

    return 0;



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