Re: More Printing questions..... Merry Christmas

=?Utf-8?B?Q2FtZXJvbl9D?= <>
Thu, 24 Dec 2009 05:17:01 -0800
Joe, thank you very much for sharing this.
This answers everything I need to know about the calculations.
Honestly, I have searched through Microsoft's documentation, but I did not
find this explained. At least not in any meaningful way I could understand.
After making the changes, the scaling is fine.
I can print to two printers now.
I am still not having much luck with my Brother printer.
I will keep researching and I will post back anything I find.

Merry Christmaas Joe, you have been very helpful all year long.



"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

If you are doing a CreatePointFont, then its specification is to give the lfHeight as
decipixels. But that is a feature CreatePointFont (look at its code). So yes, if you are
giving font heights in decipoints, you want the / 10, but you had not actually indicated
that you were using decipoint heights.

If you are doing CreateFontIndirect, you must use the actual height with the muldiv
computation. If you are doing CreatePointFont[Indirect] to a printer DC, the base
computations are already done for you, so you don't want to do them yourself; the result
will not be meaningful.

Your choice of font height representation is yours. But remember that if you are doing
CreateFont[Indirect] you want the height in pixels, not decipixels. If you are doing
CreatePointFont[Indirect], its specificaiton is decipixels, in which case you would not be
doing a muldiv yourself.

Ultimately, you are going to get a font in pixels. To get a 10-point font on a 10ppi
display, there is a 1:1 correspondence,but on a 600dpi display, to get a 10-point font it
would be 10 * (600/72). If you do this in floating point, you get 6000/72, and that is
essentially 83 pixels high. So if you single-step in far enough to
CreatePointFont[Indirect] you should see a real CreateFont creating a font which is the
right number of pixels for your device. An 18-point font would be 18*600/72 or about 150
pixels high. Notice that the order matters. I tend to do computations in floating point
and then round them and convert back to an integer; saves all kinds of hassle with integer
truncation problems.

If you are using MM_TWIPS, then you have 1440 pixels/inch, so an 18-point font is
18*1440/72 = 360 pixels high. GDI takes care of mapping twips-based coordinates to
physical device coordinates.

Note that if you are using a raw printer DC, the assumption is that you are using MM_TEXT.
So if you want to use CreatePointFont[Indirect] and specify a DC, the DC has to be in the
mapping mode you are going to use. Doesn't matter if it is TWIPS, LOENGLISH, HIENGLISH,
LMETRIC, HIMETRIC, or your own custom ISOTROPIC or ANISOTROPIC mapping, whatever mapping
you are going to use for the drawing is what should be set. Generally you do this in
OnPrepareDC, so you would call that at the point where you are about to create the font.

Frankly, I would not waste any effort trying to create the font in advance of printing.
When I got into the OnDraw handler, after PrepareDC is called, that is the only place I
would create the fonts. They would not be member variables of the class; they would be
local variables of the OnDraw function. When I left OnDraw, they would be implicitly
destroyed by the destructors of the local variables. I would have no reason for them to
exist outside the context of OnDraw (or OnPaint).

On Wed, 23 Dec 2009 12:51:01 -0800, Cameron_C <> wrote:

Thanks Joe.
What value should be in the lfHeight, when I am looking for a six point font?
I know that I should use tenths of a point (so sixty) when I
But, what do I want to put through the scaling math? Do I need tenths of a
point? Or full point values?
I believe that the MulDiv(a,b,c) is supposed to give me (a*b)/c.
But, do I start with tenths of a point or point values? Six or sixty?
When I use sixty, my font is now about one inch high.
And when I use six, I get something pretty small. Maybe it is six points.
And this is since I changed to set to MM_TWIPS after creating the printer DC.
Maybe I should not use MM_TWIPS?


"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

As pointed out, that divide-by-10 is a total disaster. Remove it.

On Wed, 23 Dec 2009 06:26:01 -0800, Cameron_C <> wrote:

Thanks Joe,
I removed the coding for the 42/13, and tried with the
    lfIniDefaults.lfHeight = -MulDiv(m_lfReportHeader.lfHeight/10,
m_dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), 72);
This gave me some print that was about a 2 point font. With glasses I could
almost read some of it.
But this is progress, at least something is printing.

I also just found that if I use SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT) just before I begin
to print, the report appears on my HP Photosmart printer. (Found it by
accident when I accidentally uncommented the wrong line).

When I print, I get a printer dc, then I define the fonts. The I select the
font I want and I drawtext.

This works fine on one printer. And, since I added the SetBkMode it works on
another (although I have no understanding of why this would be). But still
fails to print on my little Brother printer.

One more curiousity, when I create font defaults, I do the following:
    CFont cfPrinterFont;
    m_bFlag = m_pApp->CreatePrinterDC(m_dc);

    /* Establish Default Font characteristics for the Reports */
    LOGFONT lf;

    lf.lfHeight *= 10;

    cfPrinterFont.CreatePointFontIndirect(&lf, &m_dc);
Now, later when I try to use the LOGFONT, I get characters that are the
expected height, but are so thin they are unrecognizable.

Never set lfWidth. Leave it 0 (default). Otherwise, you get the strange effects you are

You can download my font explorer and play with it, but you will see that lfWidth is not a
good value to use.

So, I reset the lfWidth to zero, in this LOGFONT structure, before I
And, at least then I can see the characters.
Why does the width need to be 0 (which requests the default)? I thought if I
requested the DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT for the printer DC, I would get all of the
values I needed?

TrueType/OpenType fonts will adjust themselves by horizontal scaling to conform to the
lfWidth if you do not default it.

Are there any other values I get in the LOGFONT that I should reset before
creating a font?

And then one more question.
Maybe this is not an appropraite technique? I use a CFontDialog to allow the
Users to select the fonts for the reports.
    LOGFONT lf = m_pPrinterControl->m_lfReportHeader;
    lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(m_pPrinterControl->m_lfReportHeader.lfHeight/10,
m_pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), 72);
    CFontDialog fdHeader(&lf,

Should the m_DC refer to the printerDC? Or to the display DC.
I think it has to be the display but I am not sure?

Ideally, the printer DC for selecting printer fonts. Again, get rid of the /10 (note this
is integer divide, so 18/10 = 1, which leads to your problems). But generally, if you use
the display, the fonts are available for the display. This dichotomy predates the
TrueType world, and in those days it allowed you to specify native printer fonts for
dot-matrix printers and primitive inkjet and laser printers. It is generally no longer an


"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

See below...
On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 05:27:01 -0800, Cameron_C <> wrote:

Hello Everyone.
I have been struggling with this item for some time.
For a while I was content to ignore it, but it has finally made it to the
top of my list.
I have an application where the User may choose reporting fonts.
Three fonts. One for the header, one for the body, and one for the footer of
the various reports. I save the LOGFONT structures for later use.
At the time I do a StartDocument I grab the LOGFONT structures I had
previously saved, and CreatePointFontIndirect to create the fonts.
As I walk through the code in debug mode, everything seems to work fine.
However, the printing works perfectly on an HP 9040DN, but no details appear
when I print to a Brother or the HP Photosmart I have. The graphics boxes do
appear though.

Anyway my first question relates to the voodoo-like black magic of scaling
the font.
I want a ten point font. I select a ten point font from the CFontDialog, and
save it. Later, when I want to create the font I call
CreatePointFontIndirect, and I pass a value that is in tenths of a point. So,
now I would pass 100, for my ten point font.

The truth is that the font is scaled to the display. If you want to use that font on a
printer, you must scale it to the printer.

Typically, you want to use CFont::CreatePointFontIndirect and for the second parameter
pass in your printer DC for printing and either NULL or your display DC for display.

From experience this never worked. After poking through various web sites, I
found someone had success with using a "Cook''s Constant" of 42/13. So, I
have taken my value of 100, and multipled by 42/13. Is this obtuse or am I
off base here? Anyway, this appears to do the trick, at least for the HP

Sounds like sheer luck. I have no idea what this is doing.

I checked the Microsoft docs, and they suggest using something along the
lines of -MulDiv(m_lfReportHeader.lfHeight/10,
m_dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), 72);
Now, I have tried this with the printers that do not deliver the report as
execpted, and I see no difference. I have not tried this with the HP printer
that is really working.

It may be a function of the printer dirvers, but it seems obtuse if it is.

Here is a code snippet showing how I have created the fonts.
        Assign default Report Header Font for the Reports
        Note: m_szIniSectionName will refer to the specific Report for the Printer.
                m_ProcessIni.m_szIniSectionName will refer to the DEFAULT entries
                for the Printer.
    LOGFONT lfIniDefaults;
    BOOL bFlag=FALSE;
    TEXTMETRIC myTextMetrics;

    bFlag = m_ProcessIni.getKeyValueForFont(&lfIniDefaults,
m_ProcessIni.m_szIniKeyName, m_szIniSectionName);

Have you considered the Registry for this? My Registry library actually saves some font
information automatically. I see no value in parsing font information from a .INI file (I
gave up doing that when I abandoned Win16 many years ago)

     if (!bFlag) // No font information available from the ini file, so save
m_ProcessIni.m_szIniKeyName, m_szIniSectionName);
        m_lfReportHeader = lfIniDefaults;
    lfIniDefaults = m_lfReportHeader;
    lfIniDefaults.lfHeight*=(42/13); // I have no idea why this scaling is
required... But it is. Found this in a news group.

Neither do I, it looks really bogus, like someone discovered some random value which gave
the illusion of working so claimed it made sense. 42/13 is silly anyway; 42/13 is 3, and
expressed as 42/13 doesn't change the fact it is 3. And I have no idea what 3 does. Now
42.0/13.0, working as a double, e.g.,
    something =(int)( (double) something * 42.0 / 13.0)
might have meaning, but "3" is just silly.

// lfIniDefaults.lfHeight = -MulDiv(m_lfReportHeader.lfHeight/10,
m_dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), 72);

If you get rid of the gratutitous *=3, this should work correctly. But it is what
CreatePointFontIndirect does. Read the code.

        Establish Font characteristics for the Report Header lines.
        lfIniDefaults Points to a LOGFONT structure that defines the
        of the logical font.
        The lfHeight member of the LOGFONT structure is measured in tenths of a
        rather than logical units.
        (For instance, set lfHeight to 120 to request a 12-point font.)
        CreatePointFontIndirect returns non-zero when successful.
        If bFlag is zero, we have a problem!
    CFont*pOldHeaderFont, *pOldFooterFont, *pOldBodyFont;
Never use commas in declaration lists. And there is no reason to save old state like
"OldHeaderFont"; instead, use CDC::SaveDC and CDC::RestoreDC to mainain the purity of your

    bFlag = m_cfReportHeader.CreatePointFontIndirect(&lfIniDefaults, &m_dc);
OK, you Are using CreatePointFontIndirect, so why all that other stuff which either
duplicates it or duplicates it badly?

   pOldHeaderFont = m_dc.SelectObject(&m_cfReportHeader);

I have not saved an "old setting" on SelectObject in about 20 years. Use
SaveDC/RestoreDC. Otherwise, you get a lot of garbage variables and lose track of them
(there are over 30 DC parameters you might want to save the "old" version of!)

     m_pcfReportHeader = &m_cfReportHeader;
How in the world does this assigment make any sense whatsoever? It is complete nonsense.
Get rid of it.

   // m_hFontReportHeader is the CGdiObject public data member that stores
the handle
   m_hFontReportHeader = (HFONT) pOldHeaderFont->GetSafeHandle();

This makes even less sense. Why do you need an HFONT anyway? There is something
seriously wrong hwere with what you are doing.

   //m_hFontReportHeader = (HFONT) m_pcfReportHeader->GetSafeHandle();
    /* Get Average size of printed text for the Header Font */
    m_yLineHeader = myTextMetrics.tmHeight;

Later when I want to use the font in a report, I select the font, and do a
Here is a code snippet:
    pcfOriginal =

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