Re: IHTMLInputElement::put_value doesn't set editbox value?

Hector Santos <>
Tue, 04 May 2010 05:04:02 -0400
Two things:

1) You need to wait until the DocumentComplete() before you edit it.
  So you would you edit in the OnDocumentComplete() handler for the
web component.

2) I presume the control element you wish to change is this?

    <input type="text" name="myEditBox" size="20"> ???

If so, you don't look for "text", you normally look for the element

      id <INPUT id="myEditBoxId">
      class <INPUT class"colorClass" ...>
      tagName <INPUT>

The typical way is to use the element id attribute:

    <input id="myEditboxId" type="text" name="myEditBox" size="20">

and try to use an easy HTML interface like IHTMLDocument3 that allows
you to use the function:


which is what JavaScript programmers uses to find elements in DOM.

While you can have a collection of the same id's, that is generally
bad html/javascript programming since the above POWERFUL function only
return one element.

via C/C++, you would add this to your DocumentComplete() handler:

    HRESULT hr;
    CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument3> dom = m_web.get_Document();
    if (dom != NULL)
       TRACE("GOT DOM!\n");

    CComPtr<IHTMLElement> pElem = 0;

    CComBSTR bs = "myEditBoxId";
    hr = dom->getElementById(bs,&pElem);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pElem != NULL)
    TRACE("GOT IT!\n");

             CString sTemp (_T("TestVal"));
             BSTR bstrNewValue = sTemp.AllocSysString ();

             // add some color


For adding the color class, add this to your <HEAD></HEAD> block:

..clRed { color: red; font-weight: bold;}


Jingcheng wrote:

IHTMLInputElement::put_value doesn't set editbox value?

I want to set a the editbox in a html-form.
IHTMLInputElement::put_value returns S_OK, but the text of the
editbox is not set, instead it's just cleared. Can you please help me
take a look?

The following is my C++ code:

  CString filename = _T("C:\\temp\\test.htm");

  _variant_t varFlags(0L);
  _variant_t varMissing(0L);
  m_browser.Navigate(filename, &varFlags, &varMissing, &varMissing,

  LPUNKNOWN lpUnk = m_browser.GetControlUnknown();
  IWebBrowser2Ptr ipWebCtrl(lpUnk);

  while (bBusy == VARIANT_TRUE)

  IDispatchPtr ipDispatch;
  HRESULT hr = ipWebCtrl->get_Document(&ipDispatch);

  IHTMLDocument2Ptr ipHtmlDoc2(ipDispatch);
  if (!ipHtmlDoc2)

  IHTMLElementCollectionPtr ipElements;

  if (!ipElements)

  long count = 0;

  for(long i = 0; i < count; i++)
    LPDISPATCH lpItem;
    ipElements->item(CComVariant(i), CComVariant(i), &lpItem);

    IHTMLInputElementPtr ipInput(lpItem);

    // Edit-Field?
    BSTR bstrType;
    if (CString(bstrType) == "text")
    { // Fill in Text
      CString sTemp (_T("TestVal"));
      BSTR bstrNewValue = sTemp.AllocSysString ();
      ipInput->put_value (bstrNewValue);

The following is my test.htm:




<script language="JScript"><!--
function GoNext()
  id = document.all.userID.value;
  window.external.GoNext("$#pageName:#UserIDPage.htm$#userID:#" + id +

<table border="0" width="60%" align="center">
    <td width="100%">

  <p><input type="text" name="myEditBox" size="20"> Edit</p>
  <p><input type="checkbox" name="myCheck1" value="ON">
  <input type="checkbox" name="myCheck2" value="ON"
  <input type="checkbox" name="myCheck3" value="ON">Chk3</p>
  <p><input type="radio" value="V1" checked name="myRadio"> Op1&nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="V2">
  Op2&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="V3">Op3</
  <p><select size="1" name="myDropDown">
    <option selected>Sel 1</option>
    <option>Sel 2</option>
    <option>Sel 3</option>
  </select> Sel</p>

  <p align="center"><input type="text" name="userID" size="20"></p>

  <p align="center"><input type="button" onclick="GoNext();"
value="Next >>" name="NextBtn"></p>





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