Re: CDhtmlDialog Charset Problem
<> wrote in message
I am using a CDhtmlDialog with a HTML file to show some results in
this dialog.
The HTML file's head portion is given below :-
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP">
Note the charset mentioned as EUC-JP.
I am using CDhtmlDialog::LoadFromResource() to load this HTML file in
the CDhtmlDialog dialog. LoadFromResource is invoked from
CDhtmlDialog::OnInitDialog(). Thus when the dialog is created the HTML
file is loaded automatically.
After this loading is done, I am writing some dynamic content in the
HTML file's <DIV> tag (using IHTMLElement::put_innerHTML), and this
content also gets displayed correctly.
Now the problem is that I am having some buffer in a char* variable
and this buffer is encoded in EUC-JP encoding. I am writing this
buffer in the <DIV> tag as mentioned above. But this EUC-JP encoded
buffer is not displayed correctly in the <DIV> tag.
But if I write some EUC-JP encoded string in the HTML file statically,
then this string is displayed properly since LoadFromResource() helps
in correctly recognising the charset during loading of HTML file as
resource. But if I write EUC-JP encoded string dynamically, then
CDhtmlDialog does not interpret it as EUC-JP and thus displays
Kindly let me know how to solve this issue.
Rajesh, I use the following code to set the text of an element:
BOOL CDHtmlPopupDlg::SetElementText (LPCTSTR pElementName, LPCTSTR pText)
CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spElementText;
GetElement(pElementName, &spElementText);
if ( !spElementText )
return FALSE;
// Override
CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> spStyle;
ASSERT (spStyle);
if ( !m_strFontFamily.IsEmpty() )
if ( !m_strFontSize.IsEmpty() )
// Change HTML formatting and text
return SUCCEEDED(spElementText->put_innerHTML (_bstr_t(pText)));
It works for text of 30 languages including Japanese. But the key is that
pText is a wchar_t (UTF-16) string and not a UTF-8 string encoded in EUC-JP.
I think put_innerHTML() requires UTF-16 strings.
-- David