Re: GUI freezing in msg=0x8002

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Fri, 19 Dec 2008 14:22:33 -0600
0x8000 is the WM_APP range, which are generally used for application private
messages. Systems messages are below 0x0400.


"Paavo Helde" <> wrote in message

I have a problem which seems to be related to CHtmlView class. Basically
the GUI of my MFC-based application gets frozen in a certain situation.
From debugger I can see that the main message pump sits in the handler of
message 0x8002, for a CHtmlView-derived window, wParam=0, lParam=0. It
seems to do something, but it never returns.

The CHtmlView window is about to display a new page in this moment. The
page contains some Javascript which loads additional images into the page.
Fot this is contacts the HTTP server in the same process (another thread),
which prepares the image. In the error situation this thread attempts to
contact the main GUI thread, by posting an event to a queue and waiting
the response. As the GUI is busy with the 0x8002 message, it waits
thus the response is never returned to Javascript.

So my question is, what is this 0x8002 message? Why is it stalled by a
returning JavaScript connection, and what I could do to resolve the

Thanks in advance!

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