Re: Capturing mouse clicks

"David Ching" <>
Wed, 24 May 2006 16:46:03 GMT
"Ajay Kalra" <> wrote in message

 a hook delivers the mouse message to one place; it's more convenient.

Its also not OO and and not correct in many instances. Message maps
were designed for this purpose only. If for some reason you want to go
the way you suggested, you can still use PreTranslateMessage of main
frame (not elegant). But why would you jump to hooks for some thing
like this is really beyond me. I would strongly advise against this.

Sure Ajay, you could do it that way. Overriding PreTranslateMsg() is
simpler than a hook. I hadn't thought of that. BTW, using a mouse hook is
exactly what IE toolbar writers need to do in order to drop down a popup
menu (I think). It's so ugly, I can scarcely believe it, but whatever is
necessary is what has to be done. I'll also say that it's just as easy to
get caught up in "OO everything" that one often ends up with something
equally or even more inelegant than the non-OO way. For example,
duplicating the same code in every object (toolbar, status bar) that needs
to handle the mouse is not elegant at all. But I'm not sure the OP really
wanted to do that, it's just the way I initially read his post.

-- David

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